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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A review of high energy density beam processes for welding and additive manufacturing applications Patterson, T.

65 7 p. 1235-1306
2 CFD-based modelling of phase transformation in laser welded low-carbon steel Siwek, Aleksander

65 7 p. 1403-1414
3 Contactless temperature measurement in wire-based electron beam additive manufacturing Ti-6Al-4V Pixner, F.

65 7 p. 1307-1322
4 Effects of AlSi12 interlayer on microstructure and mechanical properties of laser welded 5A06/Ti6Al4V joints Zhou, Xiongfeng

65 7 p. 1389-1402
5 Experimental characterization of stainless steel 316L alloy fabricated with combined powder bed fusion and directed energy deposition M, Kumaran

65 7 p. 1373-1388
6 Extension of the process limits in laser beam welding of thick-walled components using the Laser Multi-Pass Narrow-Gap welding (Laser-MPNG) on the example of the nickel-based material Alloy 617 occ Kessler, Benjamin

65 7 p. 1359-1371
7 Investigation of joints from laser powder fusion processed and conventional material grades of 18MAR300 nickel maraging steel Tillmann, W.

65 7 p. 1323-1331
8 Laser transmission welding of dissimilar plastics: 3-D FE modeling and experimental validation Acherjee, Bappa

65 7 p. 1429-1440
9 Laser welding of austenitic ferrofluid container for the KRAKsat satellite Janiczak, Rafał

65 7 p. 1347-1357
10 The multi-objective optimization modelling for properties of 301 stainless steel welding joints in ultra-narrow gap laser welding Chen, Long

65 7 p. 1333-1345
11 Weldability study of additive manufactured 316L austenitic stainless steel components—welding of AM with conventional 316L components Huysmans, S.

65 7 p. 1415-1427
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland