nr |
titel |
auteur |
tijdschrift |
jaar |
jaarg. |
afl. |
pagina('s) |
type |
1 |
Announcement of an IAEA symposium
1967 |
18 |
12 |
p. 860- 1 p. |
artikel |
2 |
Autoradiography applied to tracer studies in semiconductor research
Osborne, James F. |
1967 |
18 |
12 |
p. 829-832 4 p. |
artikel |
3 |
Channels ratio colour quenching correction in Čerenkov counting
Stubbs, R.D. |
1967 |
18 |
12 |
p. 857-858 2 p. |
artikel |
4 |
Digital computer simulation study of the radio-Hippuran renogram
Horgan, J.D. |
1967 |
18 |
12 |
p. 797-808 12 p. |
artikel |
5 |
Evaluation of focused collimator performance II. Digital recording of line-source response
Hine, Gerald J. |
1967 |
18 |
12 |
p. 815-818 4 p. |
artikel |
6 |
External monitoring of I131-Hippuran disappearance as a measure for renal blood flow
Razzak, M.A. |
1967 |
18 |
12 |
p. 825-828 4 p. |
artikel |
7 |
Note on a paper “influence de la décroissance physique d'un traceur radioactif dans la résolution d'un système de compartiments”
Emmons, H. |
1967 |
18 |
12 |
p. 859- 1 p. |
artikel |
8 |
Observation of the reaction O18(p, n)F18 initiated by protons in water irradiated in a linear accelerator
Wilkniss, Peter E. |
1967 |
18 |
12 |
p. 809-813 5 p. |
artikel |
9 |
The use of 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-capryl-pyrazolone-5 in liquid-liquid extraction method for the carrier-free production of Mn54, Co58, Fe59
Mirza, M.Y. |
1967 |
18 |
12 |
p. 849-856 8 p. |
artikel |
10 |
Transmission through aluminum of beta-particles emitted by infinitely-thick sources
Rodríguez-Pasqués, R.H. |
1967 |
18 |
12 |
p. 835-847 13 p. |
artikel |