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1 |
75As NQR studies on FeAs2
Lehmann-Horn, J.A. |
2015 |
71 |
C |
p. 87-90 4 p. |
artikel |
2 |
2015 |
71 |
C |
p. OBC- 1 p. |
artikel |
3 |
DQ-DRENAR with back-to-back (BABA) excitation: Measuring homonuclear dipole–dipole interactions in multiple spin-1/2 systems
Ren, Jinjun |
2015 |
71 |
C |
p. 11-18 8 p. |
artikel |
4 |
Inside Front Cover (C2); Editorial Board
2015 |
71 |
C |
p. IFC- 1 p. |
artikel |
5 |
Local motions in poly(ethylene-co-norbornene) studied by 1H NMR relaxometry
Makrocka-Rydzyk, Monika |
2015 |
71 |
C |
p. 67-72 6 p. |
artikel |
6 |
Methodology for solid state NMR off-resonance study of molecular dynamics in heteronuclear systems
Jurga, Kazimierz |
2015 |
71 |
C |
p. 73-79 7 p. |
artikel |
7 |
Minimizing the effects of RF inhomogeneity and phase transients allows resolution of two peaks in the 1H CRAMPS NMR spectrum of adamantane
Brouwer, Darren H. |
2015 |
71 |
C |
p. 30-40 11 p. |
artikel |
8 |
Motional narrowing under diffusion of two spin sub-lattices in LiNaSO4
Shakhovoy, R.A. |
2015 |
71 |
C |
p. 80-86 7 p. |
artikel |
9 |
14N NQR, relaxation and molecular dynamics of the explosive TNT
Smith, John A.S. |
2015 |
71 |
C |
p. 61-66 6 p. |
artikel |
10 |
Nonexponential 1H spin–lattice relaxation and methyl group rotation in molecular solids
Beckmann, Peter A. |
2015 |
71 |
C |
p. 91-95 5 p. |
artikel |
11 |
Off-resonance effects in 14N NQR signals from the pulsed spin-locking (PSL) and three-pulse echo sequence; a study for monoclinic TNT
Smith, John A.S. |
2015 |
71 |
C |
p. 41-54 14 p. |
artikel |
12 |
121,123Sb and 75As NMR and NQR investigation of the tetrahedrite (Cu12Sb4S13) – Tennantite (Cu12As4S13) system and other metal arsenides
Bastow, T.J. |
2015 |
71 |
C |
p. 55-60 6 p. |
artikel |
13 |
Sensitive detection of NMR for thin films
Lee, Soonchil |
2015 |
71 |
C |
p. 1-10 10 p. |
artikel |
14 |
The effect of a broad activation energy distribution on deuteron spin–lattice relaxation
Ylinen, E.E. |
2015 |
71 |
C |
p. 19-29 11 p. |
artikel |
15 |
Two-dimensional second-order quadrupolar exchange powder spectra for nuclei with half-integer spins. Calculations and an experimental example using oxygen NMR
Adjei-Acheamfour, M. |
2015 |
71 |
C |
p. 96-107 12 p. |
artikel |