no |
title |
author |
magazine |
year |
volume |
issue |
page(s) |
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1 |
An NMR crystallographic approach to monitoring cation substitution in the aluminophosphate STA-2
Seymour, Valerie R. |
2015 |
65 |
C |
p. 64-74 11 p. |
article |
2 |
An NMR crystallography study of the hemihydrate of 2′, 3′-O-isopropylidineguanosine
Reddy, G.N. Manjunatha |
2015 |
65 |
C |
p. 41-48 8 p. |
article |
3 |
A simulated annealing approach for solving zeolite crystal structures from two-dimensional NMR correlation spectra
Brouwer, Darren H. |
2015 |
65 |
C |
p. 89-98 10 p. |
article |
4 |
C4: Advertisement
2015 |
65 |
C |
p. OBC- 1 p. |
article |
5 |
Can one and two-dimensional solid-state NMR fingerprint zeolite framework topology?
Martineau, Charlotte |
2015 |
65 |
C |
p. 84-88 5 p. |
article |
6 |
Can the conformation of flexible hydroxyl groups be constrained by simple NMR crystallography approaches? The case of the quercetin solid forms
Filip, Xenia |
2015 |
65 |
C |
p. 21-28 8 p. |
article |
7 |
Diazole-based powdered cocrystal featuring a helical hydrogen-bonded network: Structure determination from PXRD, solid-state NMR and computer modeling
Sardo, Mariana |
2015 |
65 |
C |
p. 49-63 15 p. |
article |
8 |
Fine refinement of solid state structure of racemic form of phospho-tyrosine employing NMR Crystallography approach
Paluch, Piotr |
2015 |
65 |
C |
p. 2-11 10 p. |
article |
9 |
Influence of proton coupling on symmetry-based homonuclear 19F dipolar recoupling experiments
Zehe, Christoph S. |
2015 |
65 |
C |
p. 122-131 10 p. |
article |
10 |
Inside Front Cover (C2); Editorial Board
2015 |
65 |
C |
p. IFC- 1 p. |
article |
11 |
Ionic Pathways in Li13Si4 investigated by 6Li and 7Li solid state NMR experiments
Dupke, Sven |
2015 |
65 |
C |
p. 99-106 8 p. |
article |
12 |
Monitoring the evolution of crystallization processes by in-situ solid-state NMR spectroscopy
Harris, Kenneth D.M. |
2015 |
65 |
C |
p. 107-113 7 p. |
article |
13 |
NMR crystallography of ezetimibe co-crystals
Lüdeker, David |
2015 |
65 |
C |
p. 29-40 12 p. |
article |
14 |
On the crystal structure of the vaterite polymorph of CaCO3: A calcium-43 solid-state NMR and computational assessment
Burgess, Kevin M.N. |
2015 |
65 |
C |
p. 75-83 9 p. |
article |
15 |
2015 |
65 |
C |
p. 1- 1 p. |
article |
16 |
Probing crystal packing of uniformly 13C-enriched powder samples using homonuclear dipolar coupling measurements
Mollica, Giulia |
2015 |
65 |
C |
p. 114-121 8 p. |
article |
17 |
Solid-state NMR and computational investigation of solvent molecule arrangement and dynamics in isostructural solvates of droperidol
Bērziņš, Agris |
2015 |
65 |
C |
p. 12-20 9 p. |
article |