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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Middle Palaeolithic incised bear bone from the Dziadowa Skała Cave, Poland: the oldest marked object north of the Carpathian Mountains Płonka, Tomasz

166 C p.
2 Classification of Bovidae fossils from Gladysvale, South Africa using elastic shape analysis Brophy, Juliet K.

166 C p.
3 Editorial Board
166 C p.
4 The earliest stamped hard pottery and high-firing technology dating back to 5000 BP: Evidence from two sites in southeastern China Fan, Zongxiang

166 C p.
5 The historical ecology of subsistence and early commercial fisheries in mangrove systems in Brazil Fossile, Thiago

166 C p.
6 The role of environmental factors in the spatiotemporal distribution of millet in Late Neolithic to Bronze Ages sites in the Tibetan plateau and surrounding regions Shao, Bingxin

166 C p.
7 Visual sensing on marine robotics for the 3D documentation of Underwater Cultural Heritage: A review Diamanti, Eleni

166 C p.
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland