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                             32 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A scoping review of vasculitis as an immune-related adverse event from checkpoint inhibitor therapy of cancer: Unraveling the complexities at the intersection of immunology and vascular pathology Lee, Chan-Mi

66 C p.
2 Association between combined exposure to ambient air pollutants, genetic risk, and incident gout risk: A prospective cohort study in the UK Biobank Liu, Wei

66 C p.
3 Calcinosis in systemic sclerosis: An update on pathogenesis, related complications, and management: A heavy burden still waiting to be lifted off patients’ hands Avanoglu-Guler, Aslihan

66 C p.
4 Cardiac involvement in the catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome (CAPS): Lessons from the “CAPS registry” Pons, Isaac

66 C p.
5 Clinical and imaging outcomes of different phenotypes of axial spondyloarthritis: 5-year analysis of the DESIR cohort Sepriano, Alexandre

66 C p.
6 Combined use of QRISK3 and SCORE2 increases identification of ankylosing spondylitis patients at high cardiovascular risk: Results from the CARMA Project cohort after 7.5 years of follow-up Polo y la Borda, Jessica

66 C p.
7 Comparison of methotrexate and azathioprine as the first-line steroid-sparing immunosuppressive agents in patients with Takayasu's arteritis Kaymaz-Tahra, Sema

66 C p.
8 Corrigendum to “A randomized trial of a motivational interviewing intervention to increase lifestyle physical activity and improve self-reported function in adults with arthritis” [Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 47(2018): 732–740] Gilbert, Abigail L.

66 C p.
9 Defining domains: developing consensus-based definitions for foundational domains in OMERACT core outcome sets Maxwell, Lara J.

66 C p.
10 Development and evaluation of shared decision-making tools in rheumatology: A scoping review Aref, Heba A.T.

66 C p.
11 Embracing unity at OMERACT: Valuing equity, promoting diversity, fostering inclusivity Maxwell, Lara J

66 C p.
12 Identification of new risk factors for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine retinopathy in systemic lupus erythematosus patients Trefond, Ludovic

66 C p.
13 Imaging to predict early relapses after treatment discontinuation in patients with large vessel giant cell arteritis – A cohort study Hemmig, Andrea K.

66 C p.
14 Increasing uptake through collaboration in the development of core outcome sets: Lessons learned at OMERACT 2023 Shea, Beverley

66 C p.
15 Investigating the concomitance of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) associated vasculitides and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Mumtaz, Sehreen

66 C p.
16 Maternal and fetal outcomes of pregnancy in women with primary systemic vasculitis: A single-center cohort study of 20 patients and 30 pregnancies Beça, Sara

66 C p.
17 Missed opportunities for treatment of inflammatory arthritis and factors associated with non-treatment: An observational cohort study in United States Veterans with rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or ankylosing spondylitis Walsh, Jessica A.

66 C p.
18 Navigating the path of progress: The OMERACT 2023 emerging leaders program Campbell, T Mark

66 C p.
19 OMERACT validation of a deep learning algorithm for automated absolute quantification of knee joint effusion versus manual semi-quantitative assessment Felfeliyan, Banafshe

66 C p.
20 Orbital/ocular inflammatory involvement in VEXAS syndrome: Data from the international AIDA network VEXAS registry Vitale, Antonio

66 C p.
21 Predicting the onset of end-stage knee osteoarthritis over two- and five-years using machine learning Salis, Zubeyir

66 C p.
22 Prognostic and functional importance of both overt and subclinical left ventricular systolic dysfunction in systemic sclerosis Fairley, Jessica L.

66 C p.
23 PROMIS-29 in rheumatoid arthritis patients who screen positive or negative for fibromyalgia on MDHAQ FAST4 (fibromyalgia assessment screening tool) or 2011 fibromyalgia criteria Gibson, Kathryn A.

66 C p.
24 Reasons for multiple biologic and targeted synthetic DMARD switching and characteristics of treatment refractory rheumatoid arthritis McDermott, Gregory C

66 C p.
25 Referees
66 C p.
26 Reliability assessment of the OMERACT whole-body magnetic resonance imaging scoring system for juvenile idiopathic arthritis Panwar, Jyoti

66 C p.
27 Serum urate change among gout patients treated with sodium-glucose cotransporter type 2 inhibitors vs. sulfonylurea: A comparative effectiveness analysis Yokose, Chio

66 C p.
28 Strategies to promote implementation of core outcomes for medication adherence trials in rheumatology: A report from the OMERACT-Adherence Group Kordkheili, Aria Mohammadi

66 C p.
29 Thrombotic manifestations in pediatric Behcet syndrome: A multicenter comparative study from the EUROFEVER registry Mastrolia, Maria Vincenza

66 C p.
30 Treatment with Janus kinase inhibitors in juvenile dermatomyositis: A review of the literature Sener, Seher

66 C p.
31 Trends in avascular necrosis and related arthroplasties in hospitalized patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis Dhital, Rashmi

66 C p.
32 Unique characteristics of anti-MDA-5 associated dermatomyositis in Southern California with a large Hispanic population Alhassan, Eaman

66 C p.
                             32 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland