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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Artificial intelligence in veterinary diagnostic imaging: Perspectives and limitations Burti, Silvia

175 C p.
2 Editorial Board
175 C p.
3 Effect of cranial tibial artery laceration on radiographic bone healing and perioperative complications in dogs undergoing tibial plateau leveling osteotomy Ferrari, Francesco

175 C p.
4 Evaluation of the Surgical Pleth Index (SPI) for the monitoring of the nociception-antinociception balance in dogs undergoing castration: A prospective clinical trial Gavet, Morgane

175 C p.
5 Frequency of low-dose dexamethasone suppression test (LDDST) response patterns and their correlation with clinicopathologic signs in dogs suspected of having Cushing's syndrome: A retrospective study Rebelo, NĂ¡dia

175 C p.
6 Mesenchymal stem cell transplantation: Systematic review, meta-analysis and clinical applications for acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease in dogs and cats dos Santos, Leonardo Gaspareto

175 C p.
7 Molecular characterization of Ehrlichia canis from naturally infected dogs reveals a novel Asiatic-lineage and co-circulation of multiple lineages in India R. Parthiban, Aravindh Babu

175 C p.
8 New insight on porcine carboxylesterases expression and activity in lung tissues Cavallero, Andrea

175 C p.
9 Systemic AL kappa chain amyloidosis in a captive Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) Iwaide, Susumu

175 C p.
10 The adipokines progranulin and omentin can directly regulate feline ovarian granulosa cell functions Sirotkin, Alexander V.

175 C p.
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland