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                             24 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Barriers to Effective Cancer Pain Management, Comparing the Perspectives of Physicians, Nurses, and Patients Obaid, Abdullah

24 5 p. 498-505
2 Challenges Recruiting and Retaining New Members of a Professional Nursing Organization Bazinski, Marilyn Ann

24 5 p. 513-520
3 Chinese Oral Cancer Patients' Pain Beliefs: An Application of Leventhal's Common-Sense Model Wang, Rongna

24 5 p. e115-e122
4 Comparison of Professionally and Parentally Administered Analgesia Before Emergency Department Admission Rybojad, Beata

24 5 p. 486-491
5 Dosage of Physical Activity to Avoid Impairment of Activities Due to Pain: Analysis of Population-based Conditional Processes de Pedro-Jiménez, Domingo

24 5 p. 535-541
6 Editorial board
24 5 p. A1
7 Hypertension Is Associated with Joint Pain Severity Among Individuals with Osteoarthritis Alenazi, Aqeel M.

24 5 p. e97-e101
8 Identifying Early Opioid-Induced Respiratory Depression and Rapid Response Team Activation Durden, Leah

24 5 p. 567-572
9 Improving Perioperative Pain Education for Patients Prescribed Opioids: An Integrative Review Lee, Yoon-Jae

24 5 p. 479-485
10 Information for Readers
24 5 p. A5
11 Interprofessional Education to Address Substance Use among Adults with Persistent Pain: A Pre-Post Program Evaluation Wilson, Marian

24 5 p. 558-566
12 Listening to Remotely Monitored Home-based Preferred Music for Pain in Older Black Adults with Low Back Pain: A Pilot Study of Feasibility and Acceptability Sorkpor, Setor K.

24 5 p. e102-e108
13 Opioid and Nerve Block Administration in Knee Arthroplasty: An Observational Retrospective Evaluation Welle, Kelsey

24 5 p. 542-548
14 Parental Postoperative Pain Management Perceptions, Attitudes, and Practices in Pediatric Limb Fractures Zhang, Su-Mei

24 5 p. 506-512
15 Poppy Seeds Signal Limitations of Urine Drug Testing Protocols De Monnin, Karlee

24 5 p. e81-e83
16 Post-COVID Patients With New-Onset Chronic Pain 2 Years After Infection: Cross-Sectional Study Calvache-Mateo, Andrés

24 5 p. 528-534
17 Table of contents
24 5 p. A2-A4
18 The Effect of Coaching Programs on Physical Activity and Pain in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Sezgin, Merve Gozde

24 5 p. 549-557
19 The Effect of Distraction Methods During Venous Blood Sampling on Pain Levels in School-Age Children: A Systematic Review Arıkan, Aylin

24 5 p. e109-e114
20 The Effect of Preoperative Pain Fear on Postoperative Pain, Analgesic Use, and Comfort Level Topal Hançer, Ayşe

24 5 p. 521-527
21 The Effect of Virtual Glasses Application on Pain and Anxiety During Episiotomy Repair: Randomized Controlled Trial Şolt Kırca, Ayça

24 5 p. e123-e130
22 The Effects of Brief Guided Imagery on Patients Suffering From Chronic Back Pain: An A-B Design Study Kaplun, Anat

24 5 p. 492-497
23 Trust Still Matters Miller, Elaine L.

24 5 p. 477-478
24 Validity and Reliability of Pain and Behavioral Scales for Preterm Infants: A Systematic Review Glenzel, Luana

24 5 p. e84-e96
                             24 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland