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                             40 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Acknowledgements to Reviewers
24 2 p. 242
2 A Quality Initiative Incorporating Tablet Technology to Facilitate Nonpharmacologic Pain Intervention Use in the Hospital Bazinski, Marilyn Ann

24 2 p. 236-237
3 Association of Musculoskeletal Pain With Sedentary Behavior in Public School Teachers: The Role of Habitual Physical Activity de Souza, Jefferson M.

24 2 p. 196-200
4 Barriers and Facilitators of Pain Self-Management Among Patients with Cancer: An Integrative Review Almasri, Batool Mohammed

24 2 p. 138-150
5 Comparative Study of the Effect of Lidocaine Spray and Ice Spray on the Pain Intensity During Intramuscular Injection: A Randomized Clinical Trial Jamalinik, Mehdi

24 2 p. 229-234
6 Editorial board
24 2 p. A1
7 Educational Innovations Leveraging Technology for Nurse Practitioner Students to Learn Pain Management Kawi, Jennifer

24 2 p. 240-241
8 Effect Ketamine Infusion Protocol on Pain Management and Opioid Consumption in Opioid Tolerant Cancer Patients Bader, Mustafa

24 2 p. 235
9 Enhanced Recovery After Surgery in a Veteran Population Taylor, Vada R

24 2 p. 238
10 Enhancing the Use of Opioid Sparing Protocol in the PACU Chavez, Analissa

24 2 p. 239
11 Exploring the Impact of Buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone) Use to Length of Sobriety After Opioid Detoxification Khalili, Michelle M

24 2 p. 236
12 Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Educational Preferences: In-person vs Virtual Luedtke, Connie

24 2 p. 240
13 Genetic Testing for Opioid Risk and Drug Metabolism: A Pain Clinic's Retrospective Cohort Study Schalk, Danielle

24 2 p. 240
14 Health Care Professionals’ Attitudes Toward Patients with Chronic Pain: Scale Development Study Sucu Çakmak, Nefise Cevriye

24 2 p. 188-195
15 Implementation of Healing Touch in the Acute Care Setting Hall, Lyndsi F

24 2 p. 236
16 Improving Pain Management through Creative Partnerships Bruene, Deb

24 2 p. 241
17 Information for Readers
24 2 p. A4
18 Interprofessional Pain Curriculum for an Academic Health Science Center Allred, Kelly

24 2 p. 238
19 Investigating the Relationship between Empowerment and Chronic Pain Acceptance and the Resulting Limitations in the Elderly with Diabetes Living Southwest of Iran Beiranvand, Samira

24 2 p. 130-137
20 Keep the Momentum Going: Changing Clinicians Perspectives on Needlestick Interventions Hammer-White, Suzanne

24 2 p. 235-236
21 Longitudinal Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms Among Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: The Role of Pain Intensity Yan, Zeping

24 2 p. 151-156
22 Mind-body therapies in traditional Chinese medicine for Neuropathic Pain: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials Zheng, Ruo-xiang

24 2 p. 157-170
23 Naloxegol (Movantik®) Provides Rapid and Sustained Improvement of Opioid-Induced Constipation Symptoms Irrespective of Opioid Dose McLeskey, Charles

24 2 p. 237
24 Naloxegol (Movantik®) Provides Rapid Response and Sustained Improvement of Opioid-Induced Constipation Symptoms in Older Adults McLeskey, Charles

24 2 p. 237-238
25 Nurse-led Tele-Collaborative Pain Care for Rural Patients with Substance Use Disorder Maloy, Patricia E.

24 2 p. 239
26 Pain Behaviors Analyzed by Videorecording in Brain-Injured Patients Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit López-López, Candelas

24 2 p. 113-122
27 Peripheral Nerve Stimulation for Knee Pain Khan, Khairunnisa

24 2 p. 239-240
28 Pharmacologic Pain Management Trends among Adults Hospitalized with Cellulitis: An Evidence-Based Practice Project Rangel, Teresa

24 2 p. 222-228
29 Prospective Study of Masimo NSS-2 BRIDGE; as a Non-Pharmacological Treatment for Acute Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms Matta, Carla

24 2 p. 238-239
30 Psychometric Evaluation of the Nurses' Cancer Pain Management Competency Scale Hu, Jae Yeon

24 2 p. 209-215
31 Relationships among Symptoms, Disability, Type D Personality, and Quality of Life in Patients with Migraine: A Cross-Sectional Study in South Korea Cho, Kyung-Hee

24 2 p. 180-187
32 Sensory Symptoms and Effects on Health-related Quality of Life of Patients Undergoing Lumbar Spine Surgery Cai, Xin-Yi

24 2 p. 216-221
33 Social Connectedness and Pain Miller, Elaine L.

24 2 p. 111-112
34 Table of contents
24 2 p. A2-A3
35 The Need to Say More: A Qualitative Analysis of Added Free Text to Chronic Pain Patient Intake Packages Kilborn, Kayla

24 2 p. 201-208
36 The Role of Oncology Massage in Pain Management Pike, Karen Maree

24 2 p. 235
37 The Role of Psychological Factors in Chronic Pain Treatment Outcomes in the Military Eaton, Linda H.

24 2 p. 123-129
38 Time for Action: Understanding Health Care Professionals Views on Pain and Pain Management in a Pediatric Hospital Mahon, Paula

24 2 p. 171-179
39 Treatment of DPN with 8% topical capsaicin without the use of a topical anesthetic Simon, Stephanie

24 2 p. 238
40 Virtual Reality & Acute Pain: A Literature Review Larkin, Anna

24 2 p. 237
                             40 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland