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                             30 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Acupuncture, in addition to standard treatment, was effective in the treatment of pelvic girdle pain 2006
8 3-4 p. 76-77
2 p.
2 Administration of misoprostol at 6 and 12 hour intervals were both effective for 2nd trimester pregnancy termination 2006
8 3-4 p. 78-79
2 p.
3 Artery embolization for symptomatic uterine fibroids had a low complication rate and a reduced length of hospital stay 2006
8 3-4 p. 102-103
2 p.
4 Assisted reproductive technology pregnancies were associated with an increased risk of specific negative outcomes 2006
8 3-4 p. 110-111
2 p.
5 At 5-year follow-up, uterine artery embolization provided symptom relief of leiomyomata for the majority of women 2006
8 3-4 p. 104-105
2 p.
6 Bone mineral density was similar for American Indian/ Alaska Native and non-Hispanic white post-menopausal women 2006
8 3-4 p. 128-130
3 p.
7 Despite mechanical and acceptability problems, female condoms appear to be an effective prevention alternative to male condoms 2006
8 3-4 p. 96-97
2 p.
8 Dexamethasone was no more efficacious than placebo in the treatment of HELLP syndrome 2006
8 3-4 p. 82-83
2 p.
9 Diagnostic test–likelihood ratios Daya, Salim
8 3-4 p. 73-75
3 p.
10 Direct access to emergency contraception did not impact contraceptive use or increase high-risk sexual behaviour 2006
8 3-4 p. 100-101
2 p.
11 Early and late initiation of epidural were associated with similar rates of cesarean delivery in nulliparous women 2006
8 3-4 p. 90-91
2 p.
12 Editorial board 2006
8 3-4 p. CO2-
1 p.
13 Fewer additional procedures were required following septostomy for twin-twin transfusion syndrome 2006
8 3-4 p. 84-85
2 p.
14 Funnel plots and publication bias–work in progress? Daya, Salim
8 3-4 p. 71-72
2 p.
15 Group behaviour modification program increased knowledge and practice of pelvic floor muscle training 2006
8 3-4 p. 112-113
2 p.
16 Higher clinical pregnancy rates following embryo transfer with soft as compared to firm catheters - meta-analysis 2006
8 3-4 p. 108-109
2 p.
17 Intensive postpartum support for postnatal depression has the most beneficial outcome - meta-analysis 2006
8 3-4 p. 94-95
2 p.
18 Liquid-based cytology method had a higher sensitivity for detecting cervical lesions than a conventional Pap test 2006
8 3-4 p. 118-119
2 p.
19 Maternal experience of the 2nd stage of labour was more positive for women allocated to a kneeling position 2006
8 3-4 p. 92-93
2 p.
20 Membrane sweeping at the initiation of labour induction increased spontaneous vaginal delivery rates 2006
8 3-4 p. 88-89
2 p.
21 Mothers who smoked during pregnancy had an increased risk of giving birth to a child with a hyperkinetic disorder 2006
8 3-4 p. 80-81
2 p.
22 Physical activity was associated with a reduction in risk of mortality for women with a diagnosis of breast cancer 2006
8 3-4 p. 124-125
2 p.
23 Positron emission tomography is useful for the detection of pre-treatment and recurrent cervical cancer - meta-analysis 2006
8 3-4 p. 122-123
2 p.
24 Screen-and-treat methods were safe and efficacious in screening for cervical cancer in low-resource settings 2006
8 3-4 p. 116-117
2 p.
25 The androgenicity of oral contraceptives did not alter the protection against ovarian cancer associated with their use 2006
8 3-4 p. 120-121
2 p.
26 The most efficacious treatment for fetal alloimmune thrombocytopenia depended on the severity of the disease 2006
8 3-4 p. 86-87
2 p.
27 Transdermal contraceptive patch extended regimen resulted in fewer bleeding days and delayed onset of menses 2006
8 3-4 p. 98-99
2 p.
28 Transvaginal approach to posterior vaginal wall repair is superior to the transanal approach - a review 2006
8 3-4 p. 114-115
2 p.
29 Women with polycystic ovaries had a better response to follicular stimulation than women with normal morphology 2006
8 3-4 p. 106-107
2 p.
30 Women with unexplained subfertility were not more likely to enter early menopause transition or natural menopause 2006
8 3-4 p. 126-127
2 p.
                             30 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland