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                             27 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Ambulation during the first stage of labour with epidural analgesia has no effect on mode of delivery - meta-analysis 2005
7 3 p. 122-124
3 p.
2 A quadrivalent vaccine prevented persistent infection and disease associated with HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18 2005
7 3 p. 160-161
2 p.
3 Day 5 embryo transfer did not increase the pregnancy rate over day 3 transfer for unselected couples in ART cycles 2005
7 3 p. 147-148
2 p.
4 Diagnostic test terminology 2005
7 3 p. 114-115
2 p.
5 Editorial board 2005
7 3 p. CO2-
1 p.
6 Estrogen therapy increased the incidence and severity of urinary incontinence symptoms in postmenopausal women 2005
7 3 p. 149-150
2 p.
7 Estrogen treatment in adolescence for tall stature reduced fertility and fecundity in later life 2005
7 3 p. 141-142
2 p.
8 Fetal fibronectin results did not reduce medical resource use for women with preterm uterine contractions 2005
7 3 p. 118-119
2 p.
9 From the research bench to the clinical arena 2005
7 3 p. 166-167
2 p.
10 Immediate or delayed delivery of compromised preterm fetus resulted in similar rates of death/disability at 2 years 2005
7 3 p. 130-131
2 p.
11 Increasing duration of OC use was associated with decreasing risks of ovarian cancer in BRCA1/2 carriers 2005
7 3 p. 155-156
2 p.
12 Intrapartum suctioning of the mouth and nose did not reduce the incidence of meconium aspiration syndrome 2005
7 3 p. 125-126
2 p.
13 Laparoscopic treatment of endometriosis improved pain and quality of life, but there was also a strong placebo effect 2005
7 3 p. 139-140
2 p.
14 Lipiodol tubal flushing increased pregnancy rate in women with endometriosis, but otherwise unexplained infertility 2005
7 3 p. 143-144
2 p.
15 Live birth rate was higher with metformin treatment than after laparoscopic ovarian diathermy in women with PCOS 2005
7 3 p. 145-146
2 p.
16 Manual removal of the placenta greatly increased blood loss and infection, compared to spontaneous removal 2005
7 3 p. 127-129
3 p.
17 Meperidine for dystocia did not reduce the duration of labour and had harmful effects on mother and baby 2005
7 3 p. 120-121
2 p.
18 Nitrofurantoin monohydrate macrocrystals prevented urinary tract infection after suprapubic catheterization 2005
7 3 p. 151-152
2 p.
19 Ovules of metronidazole plus nystatin were more efficacious than metronidazole gel for treatment of bacterial vaginosis 2005
7 3 p. 135-136
2 p.
20 Rate of cure of stress incontinence was not significantly different with TVT or laparoscopic burch colposuspension 2005
7 3 p. 153-154
2 p.
21 Registering clinical trials Daya, Salim
7 3 p. 111-113
3 p.
22 Risk of venous thrombosis was increased with conjugated equine estrogens but not esterified estrogens 2005
7 3 p. 164-165
2 p.
23 Secondary cytoreductive surgery did not improve survival in women with advanced ovarian cancer 2005
7 3 p. 157-159
3 p.
24 Similar maternal outcomes at 2 years after planned cesarean section or planned vaginal birth for breech presentation at term 2005
7 3 p. 132-134
3 p.
25 Treatment with metronidazole did not reduce post-abortion complications in women with suspected bacterial vaginosis 2005
7 3 p. 137-138
2 p.
26 Ultralow-dose transdermal estradiol increased bone mineral density, with a low rate of endometrial hyperplasia 2005
7 3 p. 162-163
2 p.
27 Women screened for vaginal infection in second trimester had a lower rate of spontaneous preterm delivery 2005
7 3 p. 116-117
2 p.
                             27 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland