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                             26 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A model based on prognostic factors predicts the probability of success after intrauterine insemination in infertile couples 2005
7 2 p. 82-83
2 p.
2 An HIV-prevention intervention for African American adolescent girls significantly increased condom use 2005
7 2 p. 74-75
2 p.
3 Bupivacaine plus epinephrine prior to laparoscopic myomectomy reduced blood loss and facilitated surgery 2005
7 2 p. 80-81
2 p.
4 Cervical treatment with LEEP or laser conization increased the risk of preterm delivery after preterm PROM 2005
7 2 p. 64-65
2 p.
5 Closure of subcutaneous tissue >2 cm thick reduces the risk of wound disruption after cesarean section - meta-analysis 2005
7 2 p. 70-71
2 p.
6 Early catheter removal after vaginal prolapse surgery reduced urinary tract infection and days in hospital 2005
7 2 p. 94-95
2 p.
7 Editorial board 2005
7 2 p. CO2-
1 p.
8 Estrogen, with or without progestin, increased the risk of dementia in older postmenopausal women 2005
7 2 p. 105-108
4 p.
9 Extended release tolterodine was efficacious for the treatment of urge-predominant mixed incontinence 2005
7 2 p. 92-93
2 p.
10 Ginger was as effective as vitamin B6 in improving symptoms of nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy 2005
7 2 p. 60-61
2 p.
11 Hands and knees position in late pregnancy did not reduce the incidence of fetal occiput posterior position at birth 2005
7 2 p. 62-63
2 p.
12 In postmenopausal women with breast cancer, switching to exemestane increased disease-free survival compared to continuing tamoxifen 2005
7 2 p. 103-104
2 p.
13 Laparoscopic uterine nerve ablation improved non-endometriosis-associated dysmenorrhea but not other types of chronic pelvic pain 2005
7 2 p. 78-79
2 p.
14 Linear regression - goodness-of-fit 2005
7 2 p. 57-59
3 p.
15 Live birth rate after single-embryo transfer plus frozen embryo transfer was only slightly lower than after double-embryo transfer 2005
7 2 p. 87-88
2 p.
16 Low concentration epidural infusion increases the risk of instrumental vaginal delivery, but not cesarean delivery - meta-analysis 2005
7 2 p. 66-67
2 p.
17 Mandatory second opinion reduced the rate of intrapartum cesarean delivery without harm to mother or baby 2005
7 2 p. 68-69
2 p.
18 Obesity and insulin resistance predict poorer outcome of gonadotropin ovulation induction in anovulatory women - meta-analysis 2005
7 2 p. 84-86
3 p.
19 Peer-led sex education did not reduce the proportion of pupils having unprotected first intercourse before age 16 2005
7 2 p. 72-73
2 p.
20 Peer review Daya, Salim
7 2 p. 55-56
2 p.
21 Risk of invasive epithelial ovarian neoplasia declined with each year of hormonal contraceptive use 2005
7 2 p. 96-97
2 p.
22 Teaching endoscopy-how far do we have to go? 2005
7 2 p. 109-110
2 p.
23 The addition of MRI greatly improved the sensitivity of screening for early breast cancer in mutation carriers 2005
7 2 p. 100-102
3 p.
24 The use of fertility drugs did not increase the risk of ovarian cancer in infertile women 2005
7 2 p. 89-91
3 p.
25 Weekly doses of fluconazole prevented recurrence of vulvovaginal candidiasis 2005
7 2 p. 76-77
2 p.
26 Women with a history of spontaneous or induced abortion are not at increased risk of breast cancer - a meta-analysis 2005
7 2 p. 98-99
2 p.
                             26 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland