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                             22 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adding pap smear reminders to mammogram reminders increases pap smear uptake with no effect on mammography uptake 2004
8 1 p. 18-20
3 p.
2 After uncomplicated acute myocardial infarction, short periods of bed rest are as safe as prolonged periods 2004
8 1 p. 53-54
2 p.
3 Children born very preterm or with extremely low birth weight, show increased neurobehavioural impairment compared with normal birth weight children 2004
8 1 p. 33-35
3 p.
4 Cholesterol screening in people aged >50 years effectively identifies people at high risk of coronary disease 2004
8 1 p. 15-17
3 p.
5 Community pharmacy-based interventions can reduce risk behaviour and risk factors for coronary heart disease 2004
8 1 p. 21-23
3 p.
6 Continuous quality improvement increases use of process measures in hospitals performing coronary artery bypass surgery 2004
8 1 p. 1-3
3 p.
7 Diabetes and associated major comorbidity accounts for 15% of total health care expenditure in Saskatchewan 2004
8 1 p. 12-14
3 p.
8 Educational and organisational interventions can improve the management of depression in primary care 2004
8 1 p. 6-7
2 p.
9 Endogenous oestrogen, with or without progestin, does not slow progression of coronary artery atherosclerosis in postmenopausal women 2004
8 1 p. 50-52
3 p.
10 Excessive drinkers may benefit from brief interventions, but screening in general practice for case finding is not efficient 2004
8 1 p. 10-11
2 p.
11 Hormone replacement therapy increases breast cancer incidence and may increase breast cancer mortality in postmenopausal women 2004
8 1 p. 41-42
2 p.
12 Low dose combination treatment increases efficacy of blood pressure lowering drugs and reduces adverse effects 2004
8 1 p. 45-47
3 p.
13 Lowering LDL cholesterol reduces risk of ischaemic heart disease events 2004
8 1 p. 48-49
2 p.
14 Minimal evidence that vitamin supplementation prevents cardiovascular disease 2004
8 1 p. 24-26
3 p.
15 Oestrogen-progestin therapy increases risk of abnormal mammograms and of larger, advanced stage invasive breast cancers in postmenopausal women 2004
8 1 p. 43-44
2 p.
16 Oestrogen-progestin therapy is not cardio-protective in healthy postmenopausal women 2004
8 1 p. 38-40
3 p.
17 Pharmacist-physician collaboration did not reduce number of drugs used by elderly people 2004
8 1 p. 8-9
2 p.
18 Pneumococcal vaccination does not prevent recurrence of acute otitis media in older children 2004
8 1 p. 55-56
2 p.
19 Post-discharge care of older people may be improved by combining needs assessment with implementation of care recommendations 2004
8 1 p. 4-5
2 p.
20 Smoking cessation significantly reduces overall mortality in people with coronary heart disease 2004
8 1 p. 36-37
2 p.
21 Smoking increases the risk of death from tuberculosis four-fold in adult males in India 2004
8 1 p. 27-29
3 p.
22 Supplementing newborn infants with Vitamin A reduces mortality at age 6 months 2004
8 1 p. 30-32
3 p.
                             22 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland