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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Activation of pyruvate kinase as therapeutic option for rare hemolytic anemias: Shedding new light on an old enzyme van Dijk, Myrthe J.

61 C p.
2 Artificial intelligence in sickle disease Elsabagh, Ahmed Adel

61 C p.
3 Central nervous system prophylaxis in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: What does the evidence tell us? Lantz, Jeffrey

61 C p.
4 Diamond-Blackfan anemia in adults: In pursuit of a common approach for a rare disease Iskander, Deena

61 C p.
5 Do anemia treatments improve quality of life and physical function in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)? A systematic review Mo, Allison

61 C p.
6 Future prospects for the clinical transfusion of pig red blood cells Chornenkyy, Yevgen

61 C p.
7 Primary and secondary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP): Time for a rethink González-López, Tomás José

61 C p.
8 Proteasome inhibition in combination with immunotherapies: State-of-the-Art in multiple myeloma Kegyes, David

61 C p.
9 The road to implementation of pharmacokinetic-guided dosing of factor replacement therapy in hemophilia and allied bleeding disorders. Identifying knowledge gaps by mapping barriers and facilitators Goedhart, Tine M.H.J.

61 C p.
10 Thinking “outside the germinal center”: Re-educating T cells to combat follicular lymphoma Thiruvengadam, Swetha Kambhampati

61 C p.
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland