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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Antenatal reproductive screening for pregnant people including preconception: Provides the best reproductive opportunity for informed consent, quality, and safety Wilson, R. Douglas

96 C p.
2 Antenatal screening for fetal structural anomalies – Routine or targeted practice? Haj Yahya, Rani

96 C p.
3 Beyond the surface: Does stage I-II endometriosis impact fertility? Exploring the challenges of mild disease Mathyk, Begum Aydogan

96 C p.
4 Bladder Endometriosis: What do we know and what is left to find out? A narrative review Fleischer, Kyle

96 C p.
5 Editorial Board
96 C p.
6 Endometrioma surgery: Hit with your best shot (But know when to stop) Perrone, Umberto

96 C p.
7 Impact of surgery on reproductive outcomes in women with deep endometriosis and proven presurgical infertility: Facts and controversies Etrusco, Andrea

96 C p.
8 Is there a need for screening of cervical HPV infections and carcinoma? Miyagi, Etsuko

96 C p.
9 Nerve-sparing surgery in deep endometriosis: Has its time come? Choi, Sarah

96 C p.
10 Pre-eclampsia challenges and care in low and middle-income countries: Understanding diagnosis, management, and health impacts in remote and developing regions Soundararajan, Revathi

96 C p.
11 Reproductive decision-making in cancer susceptibility syndromes Carley, Helena

96 C p.
12 Screening for viral hepatitis carriage Tang, Jie

96 C p.
13 Screening for women at risk of spontaneous preterm birth, including cervical incompetence Hui, Shuk Yi Annie

96 C p.
14 “The Green Peace” How ICG can prevent complications in endometriosis surgery? Mahgoub, S.

96 C p.
15 Updates in preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) Petch, Sarah

96 C p.
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland