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                             57 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Administered 3% hypertonic saline: Via peripheral route is safe? Hsu, Chia-Chun

68 C p. 188
2 Administration of β-lactam antibiotics to patients with reported penicillin allergy in the emergency department Holmes, Matthew D.

68 C p. 119-123
3 Advanced airway management for pediatric out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A systematic review and network meta-analysis Amagasa, Shunsuke

68 C p. 161-169
4 An unexpected effect of traumatic and bloody lumbar puncture among patients with primary headaches in emergency department An, Juho

68 C p. 175-178
5 Association between advanced care planning and emergency department visits: A systematic review Sakamoto, Ayaka

68 C p. 84-91
6 CAB versus ABC approach for resuscitation of patients following traumatic injury: Toward improving patient safety and survival Breeding, Tessa

68 C p. 28-32
7 Chest pain observation unit: A missed opportunity to initiate smoking cessation therapy Ashburn, Nicklaus P.

68 C p. 17-21
8 Clinical trial of C1-INH for treatment of ACEi-induced angioedema Wilkerson, R. Gentry

68 C p. 196-197
9 Comment on: Association between prehospital airway type and oxygenation and ventilation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest Jouffroy, Romain

68 C p. 198
10 Compression-associated injuries using CLOVER3000 device in non-survivor patients of OHCA: A retrospective cohort study Hayashi, Minoru

68 C p. 127-131
11 Could we use the comfort score instead of the numeric rating pain score? A proof of concept pilot study van Dorp, T.I.B.

68 C p. 64-67
12 Cyberthreats: A primer for healthcare professionals Tin, Derrick

68 C p. 179-185
13 Cyclobenzaprine utilization for musculoskeletal back pain: Analysis of 2007–2019 National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Data Pourmand, Ali

68 C p. 106-111
14 Defining the role of skin pigmentation in the accuracy of pulse oximetry in COVID-19 subjects receiving domiciliary oxygen supplementation Jolobe, Oscar M.P.

68 C p. 187
15 Early unplanned return visits to pediatric emergency departments in Israel during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic Hanna, Firas Abu

68 C p. 102-105
16 Editorial Board
68 C p. A1-A2
17 Emerging cancer therapies and granulocyte-colony stimulating factor in febrile neutropenia patients presenting to the emergency department during the COVID-19 pandemic era Lai, Wei-Jen

68 C p. 189-190
18 Evaluation of missed influenza vaccination opportunities in the emergency department Simon, Erin L.

68 C p. 59-63
19 Extensive longitudinal acute transverse myelitis complicated by pulseless ventricular tachycardia and recent shingles vaccination Meleis, Mostafa M.

68 C p. 213.e1-213.e3
20 Focused cardiac ultrasound with mitral annular plane systolic excursion (MAPSE) detection of left ventricular dysfunction Schick, Alexandra L.

68 C p. 52-58
21 High or mid-flow oxygen therapy for primary headache disorders: A randomized controlled study Kaçer, İlker

68 C p. 138-143
22 High risk and low prevalence diseases: Orbital cellulitis Pelletier, Jessica

68 C p. 1-9
23 Home oxygen therapy from the emergency department for COVID-19 an observational study Schoenling, Andrew

68 C p. 47-51
24 Immediate methylene blue is critical for sodium nitrite ingestions Ehlers, Paul

68 C p. 186
25 Impact of intravesical administration of tranexamic acid on gross hematuria in the emergency department: A before-and-after study Choi, Hyunwoo

68 C p. 68-72
26 Improving access to naloxone and opioid resources through the emergency department Steenblik, Jacob

68 C p. 201-205
27 Incidence of rescue surgical airways after attempted orotracheal intubation in the emergency department: A National Emergency Airway Registry (NEAR) Study Offenbacher, Joseph

68 C p. 22-27
28 Info for authors
68 C p. A7
29 Inhaled volatile anesthetic gas for severe bronchospasm in the emergency department Adi, Osman

68 C p. 213.e5-213.e9
30 Intranasal ketamine for pediatric emergency department lacerations Pruc, Michal

68 C p. 206
31 Intranasal ketamine for procedural sedation in children Chabowski, Lukasz

68 C p. 195
32 Intravenous bolus potassium: Appropriate indication in recurrent ventricular fibrillation Yetmiş, Furkan

68 C p. 193
33 Is enema reduction in pediatric intussusception with a history of over 48 h safe: A retrospective cohort study Liu, Shu Ting

68 C p. 33-37
34 Mystery at the meatus Pare, Ben

68 C p. 214.e1-214.e2
35 Patients utilizing emergency medical services – Does facility type matter? Simon, Erin L.

68 C p. 38-41
36 Pneumocephalus; a rare cause of coma Simoulidou, Elisavet

68 C p. 215.e1-215.e2
37 Point-of-care lung ultrasound score for predicting escalated care in children with respiratory distress Giorno, Eliana P.C.

68 C p. 112-118
38 Post COVID-19 pulmonary complications in outpatient setting: Insights from a cross-sectional study in a rural academic hospital Acharya, Sameer

68 C p. 124-126
39 Predictors of outcomes in emergency department patients with suspected infections and without fulfillment of the sepsis criteria Nielsen, Finn Erland

68 C p. 144-154
40 Prehospital lactic acidosis score for emergency services decision-making: Beware of some confounding factors Shi, Qifang

68 C p. 194
41 Previous exposure to violence among emergency department patients without trauma-related complaints: A cross sectional analysis Chhabra, Neeraj

68 C p. 92-97
42 QT prolongation, torsades des pointes, and cardiac arrest after 4 mg of IV ondansetron Orozco, Benjamin S.

68 C p. 214.e3-214.e6
43 Reply to ms AJEM32267 “Comment on: Association between prehospital airway type and oxygenation and ventilation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest” Sanz-García, Ancor

68 C p. 199-200
44 S100B serum level: A relevant biomarker for the management of non-traumatic headaches in emergency care? Grau-Mercier, Laura

68 C p. 132-137
45 Sofa and bed-related pediatric trauma injuries treated in United States emergency departments Solaiman, Rafat H.

68 C p. 155-160
46 Stroke thrombolysis given by emergency physicians: The time is here Greenberg, Karen

68 C p. 98-101
47 Subarachnoid hemorrhage following wasp stings Li, He

68 C p. 215.e3-215.e7
48 The association of carotid artery stenosis and syncope in the context of multivessel disease Jolobe, Oscar M.P.

68 C p. 210-211
49 The authors reply Aksay, Ersin

68 C p. 212
50 The impact of an emergency department peer navigator (EDPN) program in improving clinical outcomes and healthcare utilization in an urban setting Santos, Cynthia

68 C p. 10-16
51 The impact of COVID-19 infection on outcomes of patients hospitalized for non-acute myocardial infarction cardiogenic shock Agarwal, Siddharth

68 C p. 207-209
52 TOC
68 C p. A3-A6
53 Toxicities of herbal abortifacients Feng, Chris

68 C p. 42-46
54 Toxicokinetics of metformin overdose treated with CVVHDF Lewis, Brian

68 C p. 216.e1-216.e3
55 Updates in pediatric emergency medicine for 2022 Cavallaro, Sarah

68 C p. 73-83
56 Urine culture practices for complicated urinary tract infections in an academic emergency department Sorensen, Bennett D.

68 C p. 170-174
57 Use of head rotation during bystander CPR to minimize time to recognition of cardiac arrest Rottenberg, Eric M.

68 C p. 191-192
                             57 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland