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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A functional taxonomy of caching schemes: Towards guided designs in information-centric networks Khandaker, Faria

165 C p.
2 An extensive validation of a SIR epidemic model to study the propagation of jamming attacks against IoT wireless networks López, Miguel

165 C p.
3 A secure and energy-efficient platform for the integration of Wireless Sensor Networks and Mobile Cloud Computing Abed, Sa'ed

165 C p.
4 Cybersecurity in industrial control systems: Issues, technologies, and challenges Asghar, Muhammad Rizwan

165 C p.
5 Density-aware cellular coverage control: Interference-based density estimation Eroğlu, Alperen

165 C p.
6 Editorial Board
165 C p.
7 Fault and performance management in multi-cloud virtual network services using AI: A tutorial and a case study Gupta, Lav

165 C p.
8 Integer linear programming formulations for the variable data rate and variable channel bandwidth scheduling problem in wireless networks Costa, José Maurício

165 C p.
9 Live video-streaming evaluation using the ITU-T P.1203 QoE model in LTE networks Bermudez, H.-F.

165 C p.
10 MIMETIC: Mobile encrypted traffic classification using multimodal deep learning Aceto, Giuseppe

165 C p.
11 Minimum weight controller tree design in SDN Yang, Ze

165 C p.
12 On QoS-compliant telehaptic communication over shared networks Gokhale, Vineet

165 C p.
13 Publisher Note
165 C p.
14 Resource allocation scheme for 5G C-RAN: a Swarm Intelligence based approach Ari, Ado Adamou Abba

165 C p.
15 Social-aware mobile data offloading algorithm through small cell backhaul network: Direct and indirect user influence perspectives Cheon, Hye-Rim

165 C p.
16 Tracking the deployment of IPv6: Topology, routing and performance Jia, Siyuan

165 C p.
17 Unmanned aerial vehicle-assisted energy-efficient data collection scheme for sustainable wireless sensor networks Wu, Qiyue

165 C p.
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland