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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Abnormalities of cortical stimulation strength-duration time constant in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Pavey, Nathan A.

164 C p. 161-167
2 A generalized seizure type: Myoclonic-to-tonic seizure Zhou, Zongpu

164 C p. 24-29
3 Clinical neurophysiology in the treatment of movement disorders: IFCN handbook chapter Lefaucheur, Jean-Pascal

164 C p. 57-99
4 Editorial Board
164 C p. ii
5 EEG based functional connectivity in resting and emotional states may identify major depressive disorder using machine learning Earl, Estelle Havilla

164 C p. 130-137
6 Infant neural speech encoding is associated with pre-reading skill development Navarrete-Arroyo, Sergio

164 C p. 100-110
7 Mapping cortical excitability in the human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex Gogulski, Juha

164 C p. 138-148
8 Muscle excitability testing Tankisi, H.

164 C p. 1-18
9 No add-on therapeutic benefit of at-home anodal tDCS of the primary motor cortex to mindfulness meditation in patients with fibromyalgia Ramasawmy, Perianen

164 C p. 168-179
10 Optimizing automated detection of high frequency oscillations using visual markings does not improve SOZ localization Mendoza, Trisha

164 C p. 30-39
11 Predicting brain edema and outcomes after thrombectomy in stroke: Frontal delta/alpha ratio as an optimal quantitative EEG index Shen, Yeru

164 C p. 149-160
12 Quantitative electroencephalography in cerebral amyloid angiopathy van der Plas, M.C.

164 C p. 111-118
13 Redefined giant somatosensory evoked potentials: Evoked epileptic complexes of excitatory and inhibitory components Ishibashi, Haruka

164 C p. 119-129
14 Role of Intraoperative Electroencephalography in Predicting Postoperative Delirium in Patients Undergoing Cardiovascular Surgeries Al-Qudah, Abdullah M.

164 C p. 40-46
15 Somatosensory evoked spikes in normal adults detected by magnetoencephalography Ishida, Makoto

164 C p. 19-23
16 The influence of wakefulness fluctuations on brain networks involved in centrotemporal spike occurrence Talami, Francesca

164 C p. 47-56
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland