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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A robot’s sense-making of fallacies and rhetorical tropes. Creating ontologies of what humans try to say Hoorn, Johan F.

72 C p. 116-130
2 Automatic question generation and answer assessment for subjective examination Das, Bidyut

72 C p. 14-22
3 Bio-inspired task-rule retrieval model with auditory sorting test Hernández, Oscar

72 C p. 1-13
4 Building human-like communicative intelligence: A grounded perspective Dubova, Marina

72 C p. 63-79
5 Causal Cognitive Architecture 3: A solution to the binding problem Schneider, Howard

72 C p. 88-115
6 Editorial Board
72 C p. ii
7 Neural Policy Style Transfer Fernandez-Fernandez, Raul

72 C p. 23-32
8 Remote identification of psychophysiological parameters for a cognitive-emotional conflict Vartanov, Alexander V.

72 C p. 80-87
9 Towards autonomous artificial agents with an active self: Modeling sense of control in situated action Kahl, Sebastian

72 C p. 50-62
10 What is it like to trust a rock? A functionalist perspective on trust and trustworthiness in artificial intelligence Lewis, Peter R.

72 C p. 33-49
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland