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                             12 results found
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1 Comparative observation of changes in natriuretic peptides before and after interventional therapy for congenital heart disease Liu, Xinghui

27 S1 p. 151-159
2 Deep learning models for predicting the position of the head on an X-ray image for Cephalometric analysis Prasanna, K.

27 S1 p. 3-27
3 Dementia prediction using novel IOTM (Internet of Things in Medical) architecture framework Pavitra, B.

27 S1 p. 29-45
4 Digital image processing for evaluating the impact of designated nanoparticles in biomedical applications Baazeem, Rami

27 S1 p. 83-94
5 Editorial Khan, Muhammad Attique

27 S1 p. 1-2
6 E-Health technological barriers faced by Iraqi healthcare institutions Ali, Saif Mohammed

27 S1 p. 115-135
7 Heart sound classification using wavelet scattering transform and support vector machine Shervegar, Vishwanath Madhava

27 S1 p. 47-63
8 Prediction and analysis of chronic epilepsy using electroencephalographic signals on medical internet of things platform Hassoon, Noor Hasan

27 S1 p. 65-82
9 Real-time MRI lungs images revealing using Hybrid feedforward Deep Neural Network and Convolutional Neural Network Karthick, M.

27 S1 p. 95-114
10 Retracing-efficient IoT model for identifying the skin-related tags using automatic lumen detection Vivekananda, G.N.

27 S1 p. 161-180
11 Social and economic development impact of elderly health care products based on design ethics Qi, Na

27 S1 p. 137-150
12 The interactive relationship between prosody and respiration of computer BIOPAC systems: Shanghai dialect and mandarin Meng, Xiaohong

27 S1 p. 181-192
                             12 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands