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                             24 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Action myoclonus-renal failure syndrome: Electrophysiological analysis and clinical progression of two siblings Tanriverdi, Uygur

99 C p. 73-75
2 Association between probable REM sleep behavior disorder and increased dermal alpha-synuclein deposition in Parkinson's disease Doppler, K.

99 C p. 58-61
3 “Buried bumper syndrome: It is the time to change the bumper” Kotzampassi, Katerina

99 C p. 42
4 Can AI make people happy? The effect of AI-based chatbot on smile and speech in Parkinson's disease Ogawa, Mayuko

99 C p. 43-46
5 Cerebello-thalamofrontal dysconnectivity in paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia: A resting-state fMRI study Kim, Min Kyung

99 C p. 1-7
6 Combined CSF α-SYN RT-QuIC, CSF NFL and midbrain-pons planimetry in degenerative parkinsonisms: From bedside to bench, and back again Compta, Y.

99 C p. 33-41
7 Decreased CSF oxytocin relates to measures of social cognitive impairment in Huntington's disease patients Hellem, Marie N.N.

99 C p. 23-29
8 Depotentiation of associative plasticity is intact in Parkinson's disease with mild dyskinesia Kishore, Asha

99 C p. 16-22
9 Droxidopa reduces postural sway in Parkinson disease patients with orthostatic hypotension Marsili, Luca

99 C p. 62-64
10 Editorial Board
99 C p. i
11 Frailty in Parkinson's disease and its association with early dementia: A longitudinal study Borda, Miguel Germán

99 C p. 51-57
12 Glutamate cycle changes in the putamen of patients with de novo Parkinson's disease using 1H MRS Chassain, Carine

99 C p. 65-72
13 Look broader, see closer: A glimpse into the pre-diagnostic stage of multiple system atrophy Campese, Nicole

99 C p. 105-106
14 Looking back the importance of genetics in a patient with Parkinson disease and deep brain stimulation Salles, Philippe A.

99 C p. 96-98
15 Nascent visual artistic expression following right hemisphere subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease Black, Sarah D.

99 C p. 47-50
16 Olfactory hallucinations as a non-motor sign of Parkinson's disease – A cross sectional study amongst patients in a tertiary movement disorder center Mehanna, Raja

99 C p. 30-32
17 Plasma and serum alpha-synuclein as a biomarker in Parkinson's disease: A meta-analysis Zubelzu, Maider

99 C p. 107-115
18 Pre-diagnostic presentations of Multiple System Atrophy case control study in a primary care dataset Schrag, Anette

99 C p. 101-104
19 Reply to the correspondence: “Looking back the importance of genetics in a patient with Parkinson disease and deep brain stimulation", by Salles et al. Neri, Marcella

99 C p. 99-100
20 SPG11 presenting with dystonic tremor in childhood Innes, Emily A.

99 C p. 76-78
21 The cerebellar bioenergetic state predicts treatment response in COQ8A-related ataxia Prasuhn, J.

99 C p. 91-95
22 The Deep Brain Stimulation Impairment Scale: A useful complement in assessment of well-being and functioning in DBS-patients – Results from a large multicentre survey in patients with Parkinson's disease Haarmann, Lena

99 C p. 8-15
23 The Technical Ability and Performing Scale (TAPS): A newly developed patient-reported functional rating scale for Musician's focal dystonia Ramella, Marina

99 C p. 79-83
24 Video-oculographic biomarkers for evaluating vertical ocular dysfunction in progressive supranuclear palsy Quattrone, Andrea

99 C p. 84-90
                             24 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland