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                             23 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A novel loss-of-function compound heterozygous mutation of MYORG causes idiopathic basal ganglia calcification 7 Zhu, Junge

97 C p. 65-67
2 AOPEP variants as a novel cause of recessive dystonia: Generalized dystonia and dystonia-parkinsonism Garavaglia, Barbara

97 C p. 52-56
3 A randomized clinical trial of burst vs. spaced physical therapy for Parkinsons disease Au, Ka Loong Kelvin

97 C p. 57-62
4 Association between statin use and Parkinson's disease in Korean patients with hyperlipidemia Kim, Ji Hee

97 C p. 15-24
5 Associations between prognostic index scores and plasma neurofilament light in Huntington's disease Parkin, Georgia M.

97 C p. 25-28
6 Associations between white matter hyperintensities, striatal dopamine loss, and cognition in drug-naïve Parkinson's disease Jeong, Seong Ho

97 C p. 1-7
7 Dopaminergic medication reduces interhemispheric hyper-synchronization in Parkinson's disease Koren, Or

97 C p. 39-46
8 Editorial Board
97 C p. i
9 Efficacy and safety of high doses of safinamide in advanced Parkinson disease Rodríguez-Jorge, Fernando

97 C p. 73-74
10 Evaluation of common and rare variants of Alzheimer's disease-causal genes in Parkinson's disease Zeng, Qian

97 C p. 8-14
11 Foslevodopa/foscarbidopa subcutaneous infusion maintains equivalent levodopa exposure to levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel delivered to the jejunum Rosebraugh, Matthew

97 C p. 68-72
12 Impact of tracheostomy invasive ventilation on survival in Japanese patients with multiple system atrophy Nishida, Katsuya

97 C p. 107-111
13 Letter to the editor, “Validation and clinical value of the MANAGE-PD tool: A clinician-reported tool to identify Parkinson's disease patients inadequately controlled on oral medications” Moes, Harmen R.

97 C p. 99-100
14 Longitudinal study of speech and dual-task performance in Parkinson's disease patients treated with subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation Catalano Chiuvé, Sabina

97 C p. 75-78
15 Minimal clinically important change in Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale score in tardive dyskinesia as assessed in pivotal trials of deutetrabenazine Hauser, Robert A.

97 C p. 47-51
16 No evidence of impaired visual and tactile metacognition in adults with tourette disorder Arbuzova, Polina

97 C p. 29-33
17 Perry disease in an Argentine family due to the DCTN1 p.G67D variant Silva, Emanuel

97 C p. 63-64
18 Postural abnormalities in Asian and Caucasian Parkinson's disease patients: A multicenter study Pongmala, Chatkaew

97 C p. 91-98
19 Ramsay Hunt syndrome: New impressions in the era of molecular genetics Teive, Hélio A.G.

97 C p. 101-104
20 Safety and pharmacokinetics of multiple dosing with inhalable apomorphine (AZ-009), and its efficacy in a randomized crossover study in Parkinson's disease patients Thijssen, Eva

97 C p. 84-90
21 Smoking, alcohol consumption, and age at onset of Huntington's disease: a Mendelian randomization study Wang, Mengmeng

97 C p. 34-38
22 Smoking is associated with age at disease onset in Parkinson's disease Rosas, Irene

97 C p. 79-83
23 Tracheostomy invasive ventilation for stridor in multiple system atrophy Delamarre, Anna

97 C p. 105-106
                             23 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland