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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Acknowledgement to Reviewers 2019
75 C p. 2-4
2 A heart-on-a-chip platform for online monitoring of contractile behavior via digital image processing and piezoelectric sensing technique Sakamiya, Mutsuhito

75 C p. 36-44
3 Computational simulations for the hepatic arterial buffer response after liver graft transplantation from an adult to a child Yu, H.B.

75 C p. 49-52
4 Computational study of clot formation in aneurysms treated with shape memory polymer foam Horn, John D.

75 C p. 65-71
5 Computing patient-specific hemodynamics in stented femoral artery models obtained from computed tomography using a validated 3D reconstruction method Colombo, Monika

75 C p. 23-35
6 Micropatterned topographies reveal measurable differences between cancer and benign cells Alvarez-Elizondo, Martha B.

75 C p. 5-12
7 Pilot study of a surgical robot system for zygomatic implant placement Cao, Zhenggang

75 C p. 72-78
8 Prediction of energy expenditure during activities of daily living by a wearable set of inertial sensors Hedegaard, Mathias

75 C p. 13-22
9 Reliability and measurement error of multi-segment trunk kinematics and kinetics during cerebral palsy gait Kiernan, D.

75 C p. 53-58
10 Review of 2019
75 C p. 1
11 Scapholunate kinematics after flexible anchor repair Loisel, François

75 C p. 59-64
12 Ultrasonography and electromyography based hand motion intention recognition for a trans-radial amputee: A case study Wang, Zheng

75 C p. 45-48
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland