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                             26 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Age-related fatigability in knee extensors and knee flexors during dynamic fatiguing contractions Wu, Rui

62 C p.
2 Analysis of phase detects altered timing of muscle activation in subjects with chronic shoulder pain Ginn, Karen A

62 C p.
3 Basic characteristics between mechanomyogram and muscle force during twitch and tetanic contractions in rat skeletal muscles Sato, Ikumi

62 C p.
4 Characterization of the shoulder net joint moment during manual wheelchair propulsion using four functional axes Russell, Ian M.

62 C p.
5 Comparison of glenohumeral joint kinematics between manual wheelchair tasks and implications on the subacromial space: A biplane fluoroscopy study Mozingo, Joseph D.

62 C p.
6 Differential activation of the plantar flexor muscles in balance control across different feet orientations on the ground Ávila de Oliveira, Júlia

62 C p.
7 Editorial Board
62 C p.
8 Effect of knee joint angle on individual hamstrings morphology quantified using free-hand 3D ultrasonography Kellis, Eleftherios

62 C p.
9 Electromyography activation of shoulder and trunk muscles is greater during closed chain compared to open chain exercises Pozzi, Federico

62 C p.
10 Estimation of manual wheelchair-based activities in the free-living environment using a neural network model with inertial body-worn sensors Fortune, Emma

62 C p.
11 Experimentally quantifying the feasible torque space of the human shoulder Baillargeon, Emma M.

62 C p.
12 Glenohumeral joint dynamics and shoulder muscle activity during geared manual wheelchair propulsion on carpeted floor in individuals with spinal cord injury Jahanian, Omid

62 C p.
13 Muscle compensation strategies to maintain glenohumeral joint stability with increased rotator cuff tear severity: A simulation study Khandare, Sujata

62 C p.
14 Ratio between 3D glenohumeral and scapulothoracic motions in individuals without shoulder pain Gava, Vander

62 C p.
15 Regional activation of supraspinatus and infraspinatus sub-regions during dynamic tasks performed with free weights Calver, Ronelle

62 C p.
16 Shoulder complex kinematics pre- and post- rotator cuff repair Schnorenberg, Alyssa J.

62 C p.
17 Shoulder, elbow, and wrist joint angle excursions vary by gesture during touchscreen interaction Asakawa, Deanna S.

62 C p.
18 Surface EMG variability while running on grass, concrete and treadmill Yaserifar, Morteza

62 C p.
19 Test-Retest reliability of the internal shoulder rotator muscles' stretch reflex in healthy men Heinke, Lars N.

62 C p.
20 The effect of tactile and verbal guidance during scapulothoracic exercises: An EMG and kinematic investigation Staker, Justin L.

62 C p.
21 The influence of hip extensor and lumbar spine extensor strength on lumbar spine loading during a squat lift Patterson, Christopher S.

62 C p.
22 The influence of posture variation on electromyographic signals in females obtained during maximum voluntary isometric contractions: A shoulder example Maciukiewicz, Jacquelyn M.

62 C p.
23 Therapeutic application of rTMS in neurodegenerative and movement disorders: A review Pateraki, Georgia

62 C p.
24 The utility of the acromion marker cluster (AMC) in a clinical population Lang, Angelica E.

62 C p.
25 Trends and advancements in shoulder biomechanics research Morrow, Melissa M.

62 C p.
26 Upper extremity function in the free living environment of adults with traumatic brachial plexus injuries Webber, Christina M.

62 C p.
                             26 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland