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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An approach for the crash safety assessment of smaller and lightweight vehicles Davies, Huw C.

105 C p. 12-21
2 Build it and they will cycle: Causal evidence from the downtown Vancouver Comox Greenway Frank, Lawrence D.

105 C p. 1-11
3 Characterizing favored users of incentive-based traffic demand management program Tian, Ye

105 C p. 94-102
4 Differences in daily trips between immigrants and US-born individuals: Implications for social integration Shirgaokar, Manish

105 C p. 103-114
5 Does the trade of aviation emission permits lead to tourism-led growth and sustainable tourism? Hamaguchi, Yoshihiro

105 C p. 181-192
6 Editorial Board
105 C p. ii
7 Effects of locational accessibility on firm diffusion characteristics: The case of Sino-Europe Economic Corridor Jiang, Yonglei

105 C p. 80-93
8 Improving the understanding of electric vehicle technology and policy diffusion across countries Zimm, Caroline

105 C p. 54-66
9 Medium-term public transit route ridership forecasting: What, how and why? A case study in Lyon Egu, Oscar

105 C p. 124-133
10 On the degree of synchronization between air transport connectivity and COVID-19 cases at worldwide level Sun, Xiaoqian

105 C p. 115-123
11 On the relationship between congestion and road safety in cities Albalate, Daniel

105 C p. 145-152
12 Port efficiency and its influencing factors in the context of Pilot Free Trade Zones Liu, Jiaguo

105 C p. 67-79
13 Public transport fare elasticities from smartcard data: Evidence from a natural experiment Kholodov, Yaroslav

105 C p. 35-43
14 Spatial dependence and spillover effects in customized bus demand: Empirical evidence using spatial dynamic panel models Wang, Jiangbo

105 C p. 166-180
15 The effects of driver licensing laws on immigrant travel Barajas, Jesus M.

105 C p. 22-34
16 The effects of ride-hailing services on bus ridership in a medium-sized urban area using micro-level data: Evidence from the Lane Transit District Ngo, Nicole S.

105 C p. 44-53
17 Travel time costs in the near- (circa 2020) and long-term (2030–2035) for automated, electrified, and shared mobility in the United States Compostella, Junia

105 C p. 153-165
18 Understanding long-term changes in commuter mode use of a pilot featuring free e-bike trials Ton, Danique

105 C p. 134-144
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland