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                             21 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analysis of waiting time perception of bus passengers provided with mobile service Wang, Po-Chieh

145 C p. 319-336
2 Beyond the limits of memory? The reliability of retrospective data in travel research Müggenburg, Hannah

145 C p. 302-318
3 Cutting the loss: International benchmarking of a sustainable ferry business model Tsoi, Ka Ho

145 C p. 167-188
4 Determinants of bicycling for transportation in disadvantaged neighbourhoods: Evidence from Xi’an, China Ma, Liang

145 C p. 103-117
5 Does highway project bundling policy affect bidding competition? Insights from a mixed ordinal logistic model Qiao, Yu

145 C p. 228-242
6 Editorial Board
145 C p. ii
7 Effects of bicycle passing distance law on drivers’ behavior Feizi, Ahmad

145 C p. 1-16
8 Exploring the relationship between bike-sharing and public transport in Poznań, Poland Radzimski, Adam

145 C p. 189-202
9 Freight trips generated at retail malls in dense urban areas Cheah, Lynette

145 C p. 118-131
10 Generalized noortman and van es’ empty trips model Gonzalez-Calderon, Carlos A.

145 C p. 260-268
11 Mobility as a service and private car use: Evidence from the Sydney MaaS trial Hensher, David A.

145 C p. 17-33
12 Modelling effects of changes in travel time and costs of toll road usage on choices for residential location, route and travel mode across population segments in the Jakarta-Bandung region, Indonesia Andani, I Gusti Ayu

145 C p. 81-102
13 Multi-class stochastic user equilibrium assignment model with ridesharing: Formulation and policy implications Sun, S.

145 C p. 203-227
14 New method for predicting long-term travel time of commercial vehicles to improve policy-making processes Qi, Geqi

145 C p. 132-152
15 Public support for tradable peak credit schemes Krabbenborg, Lizet

145 C p. 243-259
16 Revisiting the impacts of virtual mobility on travel behavior: An exploration of daily travel time expenditures Ozbilen, Basar

145 C p. 49-62
17 Social norms as a cost-effective measure of managing transport demand: Evidence from an experiment on the London underground Offiaeli, Kingsley

145 C p. 63-80
18 Spatio-temporal analysis of on-demand transit: A case study of Belleville, Canada Sanaullah, Irum

145 C p. 284-301
19 Time lag effects of COVID-19 policies on transportation systems: A comparative study of New York City and Seattle Bian, Zilin

145 C p. 269-283
20 Transport accessibility, residential satisfaction, and moving intention in a context of limited travel mode choice Olfindo, Rosechin

145 C p. 153-166
21 Why do Gender Differences in Daily Mobility Behaviours persist among workers? Havet, Nathalie

145 C p. 34-48
                             21 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland