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                             25 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A comparative analysis of research and development spending and total factor productivity growth in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Singapore Sharif, Naubahar

57 C p. 108-120
2 Carbon emission post-coronavirus: Continual decline or rebound? Li, Rongrong

57 C p. 57-67
3 Conjugation of border and domestic carbon adjustment and implications under production and consumption-based accounting of India's National Emission Inventory: A recursive dynamic CGE analysis Banerjee, Suvajit

57 C p. 68-86
4 Coordination between sulfur dioxide pollution control and rapid economic growth in China: Evidence from satellite observations and spatial econometric models Jiang, Lei

57 C p. 279-291
5 Coupling environmental transition and social prosperity: a scenario-analysis of the Italian case Cieplinski, A.

57 C p. 265-278
6 Destruction and Deflection: Evidence from American Antidumping Actions against China Cheng, Lu

57 C p. 203-213
7 Does environmental pollution promote China's crime rate? A new perspective through government official corruption Wu, Haitao

57 C p. 292-307
8 Does outward foreign direct investment increase debt ratio? Firm-level evidence from China Yang, Zhenbing

57 C p. 1-12
9 Do public policies reduce social exclusion? The role of national and supranational economic tools Ferraro, Aniello

57 C p. 165-181
10 Economic and commercial convergence in Latin America. How are these countries doing so far? Hurtado Briceño, Alberto José

57 C p. 239-250
11 Editorial Board
57 C p. ii
12 External devaluation and trade balance in 1930s Italy Berbenni, Enrico

57 C p. 93-107
13 Institutional constraints to China's low carbon transition: A case study of China's coal-to-gas program Luo, Guoliang

57 C p. 121-135
14 Key drivers of renewable energy deployment in the MENA Region: Empirical evidence using panel quantile regression BELAÏD, Fateh

57 C p. 225-238
15 Labour flexibility, internal migration and productivity in Italian regions Calcagnini, Giorgio

57 C p. 308-320
16 Polarization and the middle class in China: A non-parametric evaluation using CHNS and CHIP data Schettino, Francesco

57 C p. 251-264
17 Political corruption and legislative complexity: Two sides of same coin? Vita, Giuseppe Di

57 C p. 136-147
18 Relative Productivity, Country Size and Export Diversification Cieślik, Andrzej

57 C p. 28-44
19 Renewable Energy Consumption, CO2 Emissions, and Economic Growth Nexus: A Simultaneity Spatial Modeling Analysis of EU Countries Radmehr, Riza

57 C p. 13-27
20 Structural evolution of real estate industry in China: 2002-2017 Han, Yang

57 C p. 45-56
21 Technologies, Institutions, development and growth Corriveau, Louis

57 C p. 159-164
22 The dynamics of capital accumulation in Marx and Solow Nikolaos, Chatzarakis

57 C p. 148-158
23 Time-varying evidence of predictability of financial stress in the United States over a century: The role of inequality Balcilar, Mehmet

57 C p. 87-92
24 Using past epidemics to estimate the macroeconomic implications of COVID-19: A bad idea! Donadelli, Michael

57 C p. 214-224
25 Varieties of deindustrialization and patterns of diversification: why microchips are not potato chips Dosi, Giovanni

57 C p. 182-202
                             25 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland