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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An emerging role of the 5′ termini of mature tRNAs in human diseases: Current situation and prospects Hu, Yuhao

1868 2 p.
2 Corrigendum to “Pregnane X receptor (PXR) protects against cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury in mice” [Biochim. Biophys. Acta, Mol. Basis Dis. 1867(3) 2021 Mar 1, 165996./BBADIS-20-505] Luan, Zhilin

1868 2 p.
3 Editorial Board
1868 2 p.
4 Excessive DNA damage mediates ECM degradation via the RBBP8/NOTCH1 pathway in sporadic aortic dissection Zhou, Zeyi

1868 2 p.
5 GLI1-targeting drugs induce replication stress and homologous recombination deficiency and synergize with PARP-targeted therapies in triple negative breast cancer cells Mani, Chinnadurai

1868 2 p.
6 Inhibition of myeloid differentiation factor 2 attenuates cardiometabolic impairments via reducing cardiac mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, apoptosis and ferroptosis in prediabetic rats Sumneang, Natticha

1868 2 p.
7 Novel potential oncogenic and druggable mutations of FGFRs recur in the kinase domain across cancer types Grillo, Elisabetta

1868 2 p.
8 Plasmacytoid dendritic cells promote the pathogenesis of Sjögren's syndrome Zhou, Jing

1868 2 p.
9 Prominent hypertrophy of perivascular adipocytes due to short-term high fat diet Majka, Zuzanna

1868 2 p.
10 Repositioning Ivermectin for Covid-19 treatment: Molecular mechanisms of action against SARS-CoV-2 replication Low, Zheng Yao

1868 2 p.
11 Reviewer Acknowledgment
1868 2 p.
12 Sequence complementarity between human noncoding RNAs and SARS-CoV-2 genes: What are the implications for human health? Talotta, Rossella

1868 2 p.
13 SNAP25 mutation disrupts metabolic homeostasis, steroid hormone production and central neurobehavior Hao, Xiao

1868 2 p.
14 The E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme HIP2 is a crucial regulator of quality control against mutant SOD1 proteotoxicity Tak, Yeong Jin

1868 2 p.
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland