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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Anterior cingulate cortex neurometabolites in bipolar disorder are influenced by mood state and medication: A meta-analysis of 1H-MRS studies Scotti-Muzzi, Estêvão

47 C p. 62-73
2 Antidepressants in Bipolar II Depression: Yes and no Pacchiarotti, Isabella

47 C p. 48-50
3 Apps for mental health care: The raise of digital psychiatry Faurholt-Jepsen, Maria

47 C p. 51-53
4 Aripiprazole vs Risperidone for the acute-phase treatment of first-episode psychosis: A 6-week randomized, flexible-dose, open-label clinical trial Gómez-Revuelta, Marcos

47 C p. 74-85
5 Bipolar disorder cohort studies: Crucial, but underfunded Vieta, Eduard

47 C p. 31-33
6 Classification of first-episode psychosis using cortical thickness: A large multicenter MRI study Pigoni, A.

47 C p. 34-47
7 Contents
47 C p. CO4
8 DSM-5 and ICD-11 criteria for bipolar disorder: Implications for the prevalence of bipolar disorder and validity of the diagnosis – A narrative review from the ECNP bipolar disorders network Kessing, Lars Vedel

47 C p. 54-61
9 Early intervention in psychosis during the COVID-19 pandemic: Maudsley recommendations Jauhar, S

47 C p. 130-135
10 ECNP Calendar of Meetings
47 C p. I
11 Editorial Board
47 C p. IFC
12 Identifying clinical clusters with distinct trajectories in first-episode psychosis through an unsupervised machine learning technique Amoretti, Silvia

47 C p. 112-129
13 Neurocognitive functions in persistent negative symptoms following a first episode of psychosis Lepage, Martin

47 C p. 86-97
14 Neuronal and cognitive predictors of improved executive function following action-based cognitive remediation in patients with bipolar disorder Miskowiak, Kamilla W.

47 C p. 1-10
15 Reinforcement learning abnormalities in the attenuated psychosis syndrome and first episode psychosis Strauss, Gregory P.

47 C p. 11-19
16 Systematic comparison of duration of untreated illness versus duration of untreated psychosis in relation to psychopathology and dysfunction in the Cavan-Monaghan first episode psychosis study (CAMFEPS) Nkire, Nnamdi

47 C p. 20-30
17 The functioning assessment short test (FAST) applied to first-episode psychosis: Psychometric properties and severity thresholds Amoretti, Silvia

47 C p. 98-111
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland