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                             91 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adsorption of thiotepa anticancer by the assistance of aluminum nitride nanocage scaffolds: A computational perspective on drug delivery applications Reivan Ortiz, G.G.

666 C p.
2 Adsorption study of potential collector polyoxyethylene ether phosphate on magnesite Sun, Wenhan

666 C p.
3 A mechanistic study of low salinity water-based nanoparticle-polymer complex fluid for improved oil recovery in sandstone reservoirs Saw, Rohit Kumar

666 C p.
4 A natural armor-protected absorbent from discarded durian peel with rapid and recyclable absorption, high oil retention and self-cleaning ability Liu, Tao

666 C p.
5 A novel dopamine electrochemical sensor based on 3D flake nickel oxide/ cobalt oxide @ porous carbon nanosheets/carbon nanotubes/electrochemical reduced of graphene oxide composites modified glassy carbon electrode Zhang, Li

666 C p.
6 A novel pigeon waste based biochar composite for the removal of heavy metal and organic compound: Performance, products and mechanism Zhang, Wen-Xuan

666 C p.
7 A novel two-step strategy to construct multifunctional superhydrophobic wood by liquid-vapor phase deposition of methyltrimethoxysilane for improving moisture resistance, anti-corrosion and mechanical strength Tang, Wei

666 C p.
8 A photoelectrochemical sensor for ultrasensitive dopamine detection based on composites of BiOI and Au-Ag nanoparticles Sun, Jing

666 C p.
9 A pH-response waterborne epoxy coating based on acid-alkali responsive supramolecular hydrogel Wang, Jixing

666 C p.
10 Atypical wetting behavior of binary mixtures of partial and total wetting liquids: leak-out phenomena Nuthalapati, Karthik

666 C p.
11 Beneficial effect of in-situ citrate-grafting of hydroxyapatite surface for water treatment Bouazzi, D.

666 C p.
12 Boosting energy density of the aqueous supercapacitors by employing trifluoroacetic acid as a novel high voltage electrolyte Yang, Biao

666 C p.
13 Carboxy-functionalized imidazolium ionic liquid immobilized on MCM-41 as recyclable catalysts for carbon dioxide conversion to cyclic carbonates Gao, Fei

666 C p.
14 Cobalt metal-organic framework and its composite membranes as heterogeneous catalysts for cyanosilylation and strecker reactions Huang, Yating

666 C p.
15 Combining experiments and modelling to predict the competition between liquid spreading and impregnation in porous media for Metal Binder Jetting applications Ravel, Romain

666 C p.
16 Constructing stretchable, tough, and stiff fluoroelastomer via tannic acid self-assembly Guo, Zhe

666 C p.
17 Controllable synthesis of porous 3D Pd loaded ZIF-67/g-C3N4 hierarchical nanostructure for efficient detection of NO2 gas at room temperature Wu, Hongyuan

666 C p.
18 CoPx co-catalyst decorated CdS hollow nanocubes as efficient photocatalysts for hydrogen production under visible light irradiation Wu, Chunlei

666 C p.
19 Corrosion inhibition effect of 1-phenyl-5-mercaptotetrazole on nickel-aluminum bronze in seawater: A combined experimental and theoretical study Pi, Jinyu

666 C p.
20 Design and preparation of ZnS superhydrophobic coating with self-healing property and oil-water separation function on stainless steel mesh surface Wang, Kang

666 C p.
21 Development of colloidal lignin particles through particle design strategies and screening of their Pickering stabilizing potential Colucci, Giovana

666 C p.
22 Development of mixed spinel metal oxide (Co-Mn-O) integrated functionalized boron nitride: Nanomolar electrochemical detection of herbicide diuron Jeyaraman, Anupriya

666 C p.
23 Dopamine self-polymerized sol-gel coating for corrosion protection of AZ31 Mg Alloy Li, Jiao

666 C p.
24 DS-guided deposition of PEDOT onto silk fabrics for rapid photothermal antibacterial and respiratory sensing Li, Zirong

666 C p.
25 Dye-surfactant interaction in aqueous premicellar and micellar environments in the alkaline fading of di-positive methyl green carbocation Ghosh, Dinesh C.

666 C p.
26 Editorial Board
666 C p.
27 Effect of ratio of hydrophilic and hydrophobic ligand length on the adsorption behaviors of amphiphilic gold nanoparticles at the liquid-liquid interface Lim, Yeon-Su

666 C p.
28 Efficient adsorption of tetracycline from aqueous solution using copper and zinc oxides modified porous boron nitride adsorbent Wang, Jingjing

666 C p.
29 Efficient electrochemical oxidation of cephalosporin antibiotics by a highly active cerium doped PbO2 anode: Parameters optimization, kinetics and degradation pathways Ni, Yue

666 C p.
30 Electrochemical detection of parathyroid hormone using graphene-incorporated conductive polymer decorated with MoS2 nanoparticles Juang, Ruey-Shin

666 C p.
31 Engineering of direct Z-scheme ZnIn2S4/NiWO4 heterojunction with boosted photocatalytic hydrogen production Lv, Hua

666 C p.
32 Engineering three-dimensionally ordered mesoporous structure of TiO2 for the fast responsive NH3 gas sensor at ambient conditions Suriyawong, Sirikorn

666 C p.
33 Enhanced electro-responsive electrorheological efficiency of polyethylene oxide-intercalated montmorillonite nanocomposite suspension Liu, Yuchi

666 C p.
34 Enhanced safety of polymer solid electrolytes by using black phosphorene as a flame-retardant Zhao, Na

666 C p.
35 Excellent NO2 gas sensor based on the oxygen inhibiting effect of Ni3+-doped WO3 Liu, Fei

666 C p.
36 Exploration of surface chemistry effects on the biodistribution and pharmacokinetics of dual-ligand luminescent gold nanoparticles Lin, Yueqiu

666 C p.
37 Fabricating hydroxyapatite functionalized biochar composite using steel slag and Hami melon peel for Pb(II) and Cd(II) removal Sun, Lingmin

666 C p.
38 Fabrication and characterization of super-hydrophobic surfaces based on sandpapers and nano-particle coatings Mohammadshahi, Shabnam

666 C p.
39 Fabrication of activated carbon coated MSe2 (M=Mo, Co, and Ni) nanocomposite electrode for high-performance aqueous asymmetric supercapacitor Tanwar, Shweta

666 C p.
40 Fabrication of bijels with sub-micron domains via a single-channel flow device Sprockel, Alessio J.

666 C p.
41 Facile one-pot hydrothermal synthesis of reticulated porous tobermorite for fast phosphorus recovery Han, Mingyu

666 C p.
42 Fluorine-modified CNT@epoxy electrothermal coating for long-term anti-icing at low pulse voltage Wu, Qiuhong

666 C p.
43 Heterointerface engineering regulating the energy-level configuration of α-MnO2/δ-MnO2 for enhancing toluene catalytic combustion performance Huang, Qingxia

666 C p.
44 Highly resilient carbon nanotubes/ poly (vinylidene fluoride) colloidal coated knitted fabrics as proficient sensing and energy harvesting implements Zubair, Usman

666 C p.
45 Highly-sensitive and anti-interferential electrochemical determination of hazardous metronidazole using w-NiSO4·NiS2 coated ZIF-67-derived cobalt/nitrogen-doped carbon Pan, Yanan

666 C p.
46 High performance conductimetric sensor for detection of trace triethylamine based on the metalloporphyrin 2D-conjugated polymer assisted with a phosphating strategy Wei, Chuangyu

666 C p.
47 High photoelectric conversion efficiency and stability of carbon-based perovskite solar cells based on sandwich-structured electronic layers Ye, Zhangwen

666 C p.
48 Hydrophobic-modified cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs)/chitosan/zein coating for enhancing multi-barrier properties of heat-sealable food packaging materials Yi, Caifu

666 C p.
49 Improvement of active/passive anti-corrosion/weathering properties of epoxy-siloxane structure via cloisite 30B/polyaniline inclusion as new hybrid nanocomposite coatings Mohammadkhah, S.

666 C p.
50 Insight into surfactant adsorption performance at asphaltene surface by in-situ DPI experiment and microscopic MD simulation Yan, Yujiao

666 C p.
51 Insight into the inhibitory roles of ionic liquids in the adsorption of levofloxacin onto clay minerals Chen, Jiuyan

666 C p.
52 In-situ one-step preparation of anatase/rutile TiO2(A/R) with oxygen vacancy modification derived from 2D Ti3C2 for enhanced visible-light-driven photodegradation of tetracycline Shi, Jianhui

666 C p.
53 In vitro construction of lung cancer organoids by 3D bioprinting for drug evaluation Dong, Qianqian

666 C p.
54 Langmuir-Blodgett deposition and physicochemical surface characterization of two-dimensional perovskite nanosheets on ITO-PET substrates Küçükcan, Begümnur

666 C p.
55 Lithium–sulfur battery cathode design:Sulfur-infiltrated PVDF nanofiber-based Fe3O4 network for polysulfide adsorption and volume expansion suppression Ma, Chaoyong

666 C p.
56 Loading and release mechanisms of MOF-5 @ BTA-X (X = -CH3/-NH2/-CO(CH2)6CH3): Experimental and theoretical investigations Cao, Jiaojiao

666 C p.
57 Long-lasting self-cleaning daytime radiative cooling paint for building Jiang, Ting

666 C p.
58 Magnetic covalent organic framework nanospheres with enhanced peroxidase-like activity for colorimetric detection of H2O2 and glucose Tian, Long

666 C p.
59 Measurement of crude oil emulsion instability using magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance imaging Ansaribaranghar, Naser

666 C p.
60 Microemulsion nanoreactor applied for the synthesis of iron-based catalysts for carbon nanotube formation Liu, Xinru

666 C p.
61 Moisture-proof antireflective coatings derived from liquid-phase and vapor-phase fluoro-modification methods Zhang, Chen

666 C p.
62 Molecular dynamics simulation study on interfacial behaviors of betaines and extended surfactants Ren, Jia

666 C p.
63 Numerical simulations of the effect on twisted spacer filaments on biofouling and scaling in the feed channel of reverse osmosis membrane modules Singh, Chandra Prakash

666 C p.
64 One-pot generation of gold-polymer hybrid nanoparticles using a miniemulsion reactor system Fukui, Yuuka

666 C p.
65 One-pot synthesis of coal gangue–derived NiCG composite for enhancing microwave absorption Zhu, Baoshun

666 C p.
66 Oxygen vacancy-rich C/Ti3C2/(001)TiO2 hollow microspheres and the photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants Qin, Xiang

666 C p.
67 Photocatalytic degradation performance of antibiotics by peanut shell biochar anchored NiCr-LDH nanocomposites fabricated by one-pot hydrothermal protocol Feng, Xiaoqiang

666 C p.
68 pH-sensitive green tea-derived carbon quantum dots for real-time monitoring of shrimp freshness Khan, Ajahar

666 C p.
69 Preparation of manganese dioxide/hollow mesoporous silica spheres (MnO2/HMSS) composites for removal of Sr(Ⅱ) from aqueous solution Zheng, Jiahao

666 C p.
70 Preparation of polyacrylamide/calcium alginate@Ti3C2Tx composite hydrogels with high adhesive performance for flexible supercapacitor electrolytes Wang, Yun

666 C p.
71 Properties of Pluronic F68 and F127 micelles interacting furosemide from coarse-grained molecular simulations as validated by experiments Dalgakiran, Erdal Anil

666 C p.
72 Ru doping induced lattice distortion of Cu nanoparticles for boosting electrochemical nonenzymatic hydrogen peroxide sensing Zhang, Chongchao

666 C p.
73 Selective flotation separation of cassiterite and calcite through using cinnamohydroxamic acid as the collector and Pb2+ as the activator Nie, Siyue

666 C p.
74 Selenium-inducing activates molybdenum phosphide/nitrogen-doped porous carbon nanoparticles for boosting hydrogen generation Yang, Yaoxia

666 C p.
75 Self-assembled quantum dots decorated polypyrrole based multifunctional nanocomposite Yadav, Ankita

666 C p.
76 Shell-cross-linking of polymeric micelles by Zn coordination for Photo- and pH dual-sensitive drug delivery Feng, Yecheng

666 C p.
77 Stability and critical volume of a suspended pendant drop in air via experiments and eigenvalue analysis Sasetty, Sravya

666 C p.
78 Stiffening surface lowers ice adhesion strength by stress concentration sites Jiang, Xue

666 C p.
79 Stimuli-responsive color-tunable BaLa2ZnO5:Bi3+ phosphor for the encryption and authentication of security patterns and latent fingerprint detection Girisha, H.R.

666 C p.
80 Synergetic enhancement: Imprinted magnetic microspheres based on the thiol-ene-amine conjugation and metal coordination for selective recognition of BSA Wang, Mingqi

666 C p.
81 Synergistic effect between pyrite and Fe-based metallic glass for the removal of azo dyes in wastewater Wei, Jing

666 C p.
82 Synthesis of transparent electrospun composite nanofiber membranes by asymmetric solvent evaporation process Shah, Aatif Ali

666 C p.
83 The molecular dynamics description of electric field effect on nano-pumping performance of boron-nitride nanotube (BNNT) in the presence of vacancy defect Zhou, Xinyuan

666 C p.
84 Theoretical analysis of contact angle hysteresis of suspended drops on micropillared superhydrophobic surfaces Li, Yufeng

666 C p.
85 Two-dimensional PtI2/Bi2S3 and PtI2/Bi2Se3 heterostructures with high solar-to-hydrogen efficiency Ge, Meng

666 C p.
86 Ultra-high specific surface area porous carbons derived from Chinese medicinal herbal residues with potential applications in supercapacitors and CO2 capture Lei, Dongjun

666 C p.
87 Ultra-responsive and selective ethanol and acetone sensor based on Ce-doped Co3O4 microspheres assembled by submicron spheres with multilayer core-shell structure Jiang, Qiushuang

666 C p.
88 Using lignin degraded to synthesize phenolic foams with excellent flame retardant property Zhao, Shuting

666 C p.
89 Using novel polymer microspheres as an efficient UV filter and blue light converter for constructing multifunctional transparent polyvinyl alcohol films Liu, Xiaojin

666 C p.
90 Versatile superhydrophobic sponge for separating both emulsions and immiscible oil/water mixtures Gao, Dongdong

666 C p.
91 Zein coacervate as a new coating material for temperature-triggered microcapsule and fruit preservation Wang, Yijie

666 C p.
                             91 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland