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                             29 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Alignment of teacher ratings and child direct assessments in preschool: A closer look at teaching strategies GOLD Vitiello, Virginia E.

56 C p. 114-123
2 ‘A place where my children could learn to read, write, and play’: The search for early care and education among undocumented Central American immigrant mothers Vesely, Colleen K.

56 C p. 306-319
3 Assessing the Efficacy of Tier 2 Mathematics Intervention for Spanish Primary School Students de León, Sara C.

56 C p. 281-293
4 Characterizing preschooler's outdoor physical activity: The comparability of schoolyard location- and activity type-based approaches Clevenger, Kimberly A.

56 C p. 139-148
5 Children's theory of mind referencing and contribution to discourse during different book sharing contexts in preschool Smadja, Marie-Lyne

56 C p. 333-343
6 Construct validation of an innovative observational child assessment system: Teaching Strategies GOLD® birth through third grade edition Qiu, Yuxi

56 C p. 41-51
7 Dual language supports for dual language learners? Exploring preschool classroom instructional supports for DLLs' early learning outcomes Partika, Anne

56 C p. 124-138
8 Editorial Board
56 C p. ii
9 Effects of New Jersey's Abbott preschool program on children's achievement, grade retention, and special education through tenth grade Barnett, W. Steven

56 C p. 248-259
10 Engagement in social pretend play predicts preschoolers’ executive function gains across the school year White, Rachel E.

56 C p. 103-113
11 Exploring school bus ridership and absenteeism in rural communities Gottfried, Michael A.

56 C p. 236-247
12 How much variability is there in children's experiences with different educators? Vincett, Megan

56 C p. 78-89
13 How the home learning environment contributes to children's early science knowledge—Associations with parental characteristics and science-related activities Junge, Katharina

56 C p. 294-305
14 Impacts of Roots of Resilience professional development for early childhood teachers on Young children’s protective factors Lipscomb, Shannon T.

56 C p. 1-14
15 “I See Why They Play”: Chinese immigrant parents and their beliefs about young children's play Hyun, Sunah

56 C p. 272-280
16 Multi-tiered system of supports in early childhood: identifying gaps, considerations for application, and solutions Wackerle-Hollman, Alisha

56 C p. 201-212
17 Parents’ perceived goals for early mathematics learning and their relations with children's motivation to learn mathematics Cheung, Sum Kwing

56 C p. 90-102
18 Peer effects on dual language learners’ English and Spanish receptive vocabulary development Garcia, Elisa B.

56 C p. 180-189
19 Preschool quality and child development in China Su, Yufen

56 C p. 15-26
20 Preschool teacher-child relationships and children's expressive vocabulary skills: The potential mediating role of profiles of children's engagement in the classroom Rojas, Natalia M.

56 C p. 225-235
21 Private speech and the development of self-regulation: The importance of temperamental anger Whedon, Margaret

56 C p. 213-224
22 Profiles of teacher & child talk during early childhood classroom shared book reading Zucker, Tricia A.

56 C p. 27-40
23 Reframing adherence: Active ingredients and impromptu interactions that support vocabulary implementation effectiveness Neugebauer, Sabina Rak

56 C p. 52-64
24 Replication of combined school readiness interventions for teachers and parents of head start pre-kindergarteners using remote delivery Landry, Susan H.

56 C p. 149-166
25 Sustained benefits of a preschool home visiting program: Child outcomes in fifth grade Bierman, Karen L.

56 C p. 260-271
26 The association of daily spiritual experiences with depression among Head Start staff Whitaker, Robert C.

56 C p. 65-77
27 The Head-Toes-Knees-Shoulders Revised (HTKS-R): Development and psychometric properties of a revision to reduce floor effects Gonzales, Christopher R.

56 C p. 320-332
28 The quality of mother-toddler communication predicts language and early literacy in Mexican American children from low-income households Adamson, Lauren B.

56 C p. 167-179
29 Unpacking the relations between home literacy environment and word reading in Chinese children: The influence of parental responsive behaviors and parents’ difficulties with literacy activities Wang, Lei

56 C p. 190-200
                             29 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland