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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A collaborative small-group discussion approach to improving fifth graders’ use of academic, relational, social, and emotional vocabulary Hsieh, Ming-Yi

106 C p.
2 A decomposition of student achievement gap by gender in China: Evidence from random class assignment Luo, Rundong

106 C p.
3 A Phase 2 exploratory trial of Paired Reading in Spanish language in Colombia Thurston, Allen

106 C p.
4 Barriers to high school and university students’ physical activity: A systematic review protocol Ferreira Silva, Regina Márcia

106 C p.
5 Challenging Misrecognition: A Case for Critical Literacy Hazzard, Donna

106 C p.
6 Comparison studies of typing and handwriting in Chinese language learning: A synthetic review Lyu, Boning

106 C p.
7 Editorial Board
106 C p.
8 How young people who had dropped out of high school experienced their re-enrolment processes Ramsdal, Gro Hilde

106 C p.
9 Investigating differential item functioning to validate a thinking skills learning progression for students with intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder Kamei, Toshiko

106 C p.
10 ‘Our stories were pretty weird too’ – Children as creators of a shared narrative culture in an intercultural story and drawing exchange Piipponen, Oona

106 C p.
11 Promoting literacy and numeracy among middle school students: Exploring the mediating role of self-efficacy and gender differences Begum, Shahana

106 C p.
12 Relationships between teacher autonomy, collaboration, and critical thinking focused instruction: A cross-national study Guo, Lu

106 C p.
13 Tailoring a measurement model of socioeconomic status: Applying the alignment optimization method to 15 years of PISA Rolfe, Victoria

106 C p.
14 Teacher beliefs about evidence-based practice: A systematic review Basckin, Caroline

106 C p.
15 Teachers’ implementation and evaluation of design principles for value-loaded critical thinking Rombout, F.

106 C p.
16 Teaching within a Story: Understanding storification of pedagogy Aura, Isabella

106 C p.
17 The educational effects of children's museums on cognitive development: Empirical evidence based on two samples from Beijing Tan, Fei

106 C p.
18 The out-of-field phenomenon and leadership for wellbeing: Understanding concerns for teachers, students and education partnerships Du Plessis, Anna

106 C p.
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland