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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Alcohol: Epigenome alteration and inter/transgenerational effect Heidari, Nazila

117 C p. 27-41
2 Alcoholic beer consumption permutes P21 and cyclin D1 expression, oxidative stress factors, and histomorphometric parameters in rat testis Zamir-Nasta, Touraj

117 C p. 21-26
3 Alcohol-related peripheral neuropathy: Clinico-neurophysiological characteristics and diagnostic utility of the neuropathy symptoms score and the neuropathy impairment score Papantoniou, Michail

117 C p. 65-71
4 Editorial Board
117 C p. ii
5 Effects of moderate ethanol exposure on risk factors for cardiovascular disease and colorectal cancer in adult Wistar rats Kwon, Anna J.

117 C p. 55-63
6 Pain in alcohol use disorder: Evaluating effects of childhood trauma, perceived stress, and psychological comorbidity Schwandt, M.L.

117 C p. 43-54
7 Social behavior and neuronal activation in adolescent female Fos-LacZ transgenic rats: Impact of acute ethanol challenge and baseline levels of social preference Hosová-Kennedy, Dominika

117 C p. 73-80
8 Surgical incision pain induced an increase in alcohol consumption in mice Ghani, Sofia

117 C p. 1-9
9 Thiamine utilization and the lack of prescribing standardization: A critical examination Brothers, Todd N.

117 C p. 11-19
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland