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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Air pollutants NO2- and O3-induced Dactylis glomerata L. pollen oxidative defences and enhanced its allergenic potential Galveias, A.

37 1 p. 127-137
2 Allergenic fungal spores in the air of urban parks Kasprzyk, Idalia

37 1 p. 39-51
3 Antifungal effects of Curcuma longa L. essential oil against pathogenic strains isolated from indoor air Gámez-Espinosa, Erasmo

37 1 p. 119-126
4 A preliminary investigation on airborne fungi of pedestrian underpasses Srinivasan, Bhuvaneswari

37 1 p. 71-78
5 Assessment of airborne Curvularia propagules in the atmosphere of Havana, Cuba Almaguer, Michel

37 1 p. 53-69
6 Assessment of indoor air quality in geriatric environments of southwestern Europe Pereira, Ermelinda L.

37 1 p. 139-153
7 Bioaerosol measurements over a fattening period in a pig barn focused on the presence of Staphylococcus spp. Haas, D.

37 1 p. 1-12
8 Correction to: Bioaerosol measurements over a fattening period in a pig barn focused on the presence of Staphylococcus spp. Haas, D.

37 1 p. 13
9 COVID-19 lockdown: a boon in boosting the air quality of major Indian Metropolitan Cities Rathore, Devendra Singh

37 1 p. 79-103
10 Disinfection efficiency of hospital infectious disease wards with chlorine dioxide and hypochlorous acid Lu, Ming-Chun

37 1 p. 29-38
11 Efficacy of 75% alcohol in pretreatment of the Andersen sampler in trapping maximum airborne microbes Zhao, Yan

37 1 p. 171-178
12 Morphophysiological characteristics of pollen grains produced by bisexual inflorescences of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) Grewling, Łukasz

37 1 p. 179-183
13 Spatial distribution of atmospheric bioaerosols in Beijing, Hangzhou and Wuhan, China Ma, Xuezheng

37 1 p. 155-170
14 Spatiotemporal variation of ambient bioaerosols in a large and industrialized metropolis of Iran and their association with PM2.5 and meteorological factors Hosseini, Niloofar

37 1 p. 105-117
15 Testing the Raman parameters of pollen spectra in automatic identification Pereira, S. G.

37 1 p. 15-28
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland