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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Can indocyanine green perfusion imaging detect microangiopathy in mastectomy skin flaps? Edalatpour, Armin

40 2 p. 115-116
2 Incidence of male breast carcinoma in North Uganda: A survey at Lacor Hospital, Gulu, during 2009–2016 Pecorella, Irene

40 2 p. 95-100
3 Knowledge and perceived benefits of exercise among women with breast cancer in tertiary hospitals in Delta State Odikpo, Linda C.

40 2 p. 101-108
4 Long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) DSCAM-AS1 is upregulated in breast cancer Tarighi, Mahsa

40 2 p. 63-68
5 Mini review: The FDA-approved prescription drugs that target the MAPK signaling pathway in women with breast cancer Khojasteh Poor, Fatemeh

40 2 p. 51-62
6 Primary ectopic breast carcinoma in the axilla: A rare presentation and review of the literature Salemis, Nikolaos S.

40 2 p. 109-114
7 Prognostic significance of transforming growth factor β receptor II in clinical stage III breast cancer patients - a pilot study Refaat, Sherif

40 2 p. 75-83
8 Use of bioimpedance spectroscopy for prospective surveillance and early diagnosis of breast cancer–related lymphedema Forte, Antonio J.

40 2 p. 85-93
9 Women who undergo mastectomy for breast cancer are now offered reconstruction in line with national guidelines but the majority decline: A UK teaching hospital experience Russell, Thomas

40 2 p. 69-73
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland