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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A synthetic Schlieren method for laboratory measuring density profiles of a stratified fluid Li, Huixin

157 C p.
2 Data repairing and resolution enhancement using data-driven modal decomposition and deep learning Hetherington, Ashton

157 C p.
3 Editorial Board
157 C p.
4 Experimental study of a separated shear layer transition under acoustic excitation Sokolenko, V.

157 C p.
5 Heat transport during drop impact onto a heated wall covered with an electrospun nanofiber mat: The influence of wall superheat, impact velocity, and mat thickness Gholijani, A.

157 C p.
6 Internal waves generated from asymmetric topographies Hakes, K.

157 C p.
7 Liquid film burst caused by perpendicularly blowing gas jet Wang, Shangning

157 C p.
8 Measurement of pressure fluctuation distribution on a flat wall behind supported square cylinder with pressure-sensitive paint Matsui, Akitoshi

157 C p.
9 Multi-domain analysis and prediction of inductively coupled plasma jet dynamics via high-speed imaging of visible light emission Capponi, Lorenzo

157 C p.
10 Simultaneous measurement of thermal conductivity and emissivity of micro/nanomaterials Chen, Jinyu

157 C p.
11 Threshold of Keulegan–Carpenter instability within a 6 × 6 rod bundle Longo, Lorenzo

157 C p.
12 Triad interactions investigated by dual wave component injection Buchhave, Preben

157 C p.
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland