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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Communication: Inferring speaker intentions or perceiving the world? Insights from developmental research Mazzarella, Diana

221 C p. 123-136
2 Debating representations of the 2019 Hong Kong protests online: New evidence for ‘metalinguistic density’ Deschrijver, Cedric

221 C p. 1-12
3 Dude, obvio, ho!: A cross-linguistic pragmatic account of Asturian Spanish Ho and American English Dude Arias Álvarez, Alba

221 C p. 105-119
4 Editorial Board
221 C p. ii
5 Final tteyuu as a mockery stance marker: Multifunctionality and ongoing semantic change in Japanese social media Kaneyasu, Michiko

221 C p. 13-31
6 From lived experience to lived expertise: How donor-conceived witnesses claim and sustain epistemic authority Newton, Giselle

221 C p. 89-104
7 Lexical meaning contextualization and semantic changes: The case of the Mandarin Chinese discourse marker dangran Li, Xiaochen

221 C p. 54-75
8 Metaphors in Interaction: Reusing, developing and resisting metaphors of illness, the body and medical treatment in chronic pain consultations Declercq, Jana

221 C p. 168-182
9 [No title] Cheng, Gong

221 C p. 120-122
10 Offensiveness and sexual blackmailing in Aristophanes’ Lysistrata Karavelos, Alexandros

221 C p. 137-149
11 Pragmatics in the service of marketing: The case of COVID-19 semi-commercial public signs Bella, Spyridoula

221 C p. 32-53
12 Rejecting the validity of inferred attributions of incompetence in German talk-in-interaction Gubina, Alexandra

221 C p. 150-167
13 Sharing travel experiences on TripAdvisor: A genre analysis of negative hotel reviews written in French, Spanish and Italian Cenni, Irene

221 C p. 76-88
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland