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                             34 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A bilevel modeling approach for optimizing irrigation canal scheduling under a hierarchical institutional arrangement Zhou, Shan

284 C p.
2 A call to action for global research on the implications of waterlogging for wheat growth and yield Nóia Júnior, Rogério de S.

284 C p.
3 Addition of compost changed responses of soil-tree system in olive groves in relation to the irrigation strategy de Sosa, Laura L.

284 C p.
4 An increase in intercropped species richness improves plant water use but weakens the nutrient status of both intercropped plants and soil in rubber–tea agroforestry systems Zhao, Fan

284 C p.
5 A review of machine learning models and influential factors for estimating evapotranspiration using remote sensing and ground-based data Amani, Shima

284 C p.
6 A simulation-based multi-objective two-level optimization decision-making approach for supporting balanced irrigation water management Zhang, Chenglong

284 C p.
7 A simulation tool to optimize the management of modernized infrastructures in collective and on-farm irrigation systems Zapata, N.

284 C p.
8 Assessment of agricultural adaptations to climate change from a water-energy-food nexus perspective Wu, Lina

284 C p.
9 Assessment of the impact of irrigation management on soybean yield and water productivity in a subhumid environment Morales-Santos, Angela

284 C p.
10 Chlorophyll fluorescence parameter as a predictor of tomato growth and yield under CO2 enrichment in protective cultivation Zhang, Chuan

284 C p.
11 Comparing the eddy covariance and gradient methods for measuring water and heat fluxes in paddy fields Zhao, Yanchao

284 C p.
12 Cover crops and furrow irrigation impacts on soybean production in sub-humid climate Russell, Dillon

284 C p.
13 Cropping pattern optimization considering water shadow price and virtual water flows: A case study of Yellow River Basin in China Huang, Hongrong

284 C p.
14 Decoupling crop production from water consumption at some irrigation schemes in southern Africa Wellington, Michael

284 C p.
15 Deep Learning-based Near-real-time Monitoring of Autumn Irrigation Extent at Sub-pixel Scale in a Large Irrigation District Qian, Ximin

284 C p.
16 Effects of soil salinity on foxtail millet osmoregulation, grain yield, and soil water utilization under varying water conditions Ma, Yuzhao

284 C p.
17 Estimation of actual crop evapotranspiration using artificial neural networks in tomato grown in closed soilless culture system Tunalı, Ulaş

284 C p.
18 Increasing the concentration of film antitranspirant increases yields of rapeseed under terminal drought by improving plant water status Xiang, Jie

284 C p.
19 Investigating the application of artificial hot and cold reference surfaces for improved ETc estimation using the UAS-METRIC energy balance model Molaei, Behnaz

284 C p.
20 Landscape-scale mapping of soil salinity with multi-height electromagnetic induction and quasi-3d inversion in Saharan Oasis, Tunisia Farzamian, Mohammad

284 C p.
21 New memory-based hybrid model for middle-term water demand forecasting in irrigated areas González Perea, R.

284 C p.
22 Optimizing surface fertigation practices for application in farmers’ field in the North China Plain Sun, Xiulu

284 C p.
23 Performance of simple low-cost edge-of-field filters for mitigating P losses in surface runoff from agricultural fields Carlow, R.

284 C p.
24 Performance of surface and subsurface drip fertigated wheat-moongbean-maize cropping system under different irrigation schedules and nutrient doses Dhayal, Diana

284 C p.
25 Probabilistic assessment of drought impacts on wheat yield in south-eastern Australia Xiang, Keyu

284 C p.
26 Revisiting the definition of field capacity as a functional parameter in a layered agronomic soil profile beneath irrigated maize Nasta, Paolo

284 C p.
27 Simulation of alfalfa yield with AquaCrop Raes, Dirk

284 C p.
28 Spatio-temporal dynamic evaluation of agricultural drought based on a three-dimensional identification method in Northwest China Feng, Kai

284 C p.
29 Sustainable intensification opportunities for Alfisols and Vertisols landscape of the semi-arid tropics Anantha, KH

284 C p.
30 Sustainable irrigation management in tropical lowland rice in Brazil Pinto, Victor Meriguetti

284 C p.
31 The effect of time scales on the distribution of evapotranspiration and driving factors in desert grasslands Han, Xin

284 C p.
32 Towards environmentally sustainable growing media for strawberry cultivation: Effect of biochar and fertigation on circular use of nutrients Vandecasteele, Bart

284 C p.
33 Waterlogging stress reduces cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) genotypes growth, seed yield, and quality at different growth stages: Implications for developing tolerant cultivars under field conditions Olorunwa, Omolayo J.

284 C p.
34 Yield response of supplementary irrigation at the anthesis stage of winter wheat Li, Haoran

284 C p.
                             34 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland