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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A community living experience: Views of people with intellectual disability with extensive support needs, families, and professionals Esteban, Laura

137 C p.
2 Changes in mothers’ and fathers’ stress level, mental health and coping strategies during the 3 years following ASD diagnosis Rattaz, Cécile

137 C p.
3 Circumscribed interests in autism: Can animals potentially re-engage social attention? Valiyamattam, Georgitta J.

137 C p.
4 Developing improved outcome measures in FXS: Key stakeholder feedback Kang, Sungeun

137 C p.
5 Developmental trajectory of hot and cold executive functions in children with and without attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Rastikerdar, Najmeh

137 C p.
6 Editorial Board
137 C p.
7 Enhancing research practice in developmental disabilities Balboni, Giulia

137 C p.
8 How does therapist guided game-based intervention program effect motor skills in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?: Single blind randomised study design Barkın, Köse

137 C p.
9 “Not in the mood”: The fear of being laughed at is better predicted by humor temperament traits than diagnosis in neurodevelopmental conditions Treichel, Noémie

137 C p.
10 Parental perspectives on autism services in Saudi Arabia: Decade comparison (2011–2021) Almasoud, Hanan

137 C p.
11 Parenting stress and FASD: A scoping review Ilchena, Cassidy

137 C p.
12 Relation between sleep disorders and attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity in children and adolescents: A systematic review Arias-Mera, Claudio

137 C p.
13 Saudi teachers' perspectives on implementing evidence-based transition practices for students with intellectual disabilities Almalky, Hussain A.

137 C p.
14 Short report: Longitudinal study on emotion understanding in children with and without developmental language disorder Tsou, Yung-Ting

137 C p.
15 Standing up for Myself (STORM): Adapting and piloting a web-delivered psychosocial group intervention for people with intellectual disabilities Scior, Katrina

137 C p.
16 Word reading transfer in two distinct languages in reading interventions: How Chinese-English bilingual children with reading difficulties learn to read Yeung, Kitty Kit-yu

137 C p.
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland