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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Annotation-free prediction of treatment-specific tissue outcome from 4D CT perfusion imaging in acute ischemic stroke Gutierrez, Alejandro

114 C p.
2 A novel center-based deep contrastive metric learning method for the detection of polymicrogyria in pediatric brain MRI Zhang, Lingfeng

114 C p.
3 A semi-supervised multiview-MRI network for the detection of Knee Osteoarthritis Berrimi, Mohamed

114 C p.
4 Deformable registration of preoperative MR and intraoperative long-length tomosynthesis images for guidance of spine surgery via image synthesis Huang, Yixuan

114 C p.
5 Detection of abdominopelvic lymph nodes in multi-parametric MRI Mathai, Tejas Sudharshan

114 C p.
6 Improving Vessel Segmentation with Multi-Task Learning and Auxiliary Data Available Only During Model Training Sobotka, Daniel

114 C p.
7 MEF-UNet: An end-to-end ultrasound image segmentation algorithm based on multi-scale feature extraction and fusion Xu, Mengqi

114 C p.
8 Multi modality fusion transformer with spatio-temporal feature aggregation module for psychiatric disorder diagnosis Wang, Guoxin

114 C p.
9 Multi-task global optimization-based method for vascular landmark detection Tan, Zimeng

114 C p.
10 PatchCL-AE: Anomaly detection for medical images using patch-wise contrastive learning-based auto-encoder Lu, Shuai

114 C p.
11 SSTU: Swin-Spectral Transformer U-Net for hyperspectral whole slide image reconstruction Wang, Yukun

114 C p.
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland