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                             28 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A common neuronal mechanism of hypertension and sleep disturbances in spontaneously hypertensive rats: Role of orexinergic neurons Cui, Su-Ying

100 C p.
2 Anomalous intrinsic connectivity within and between visual and auditory networks in major depressive disorder Lu, Fengmei

100 C p.
3 Antidepressants normalize brain flexibility associated with multi-dimensional symptoms in major depressive patients Tian, Shui

100 C p.
4 Combination of olanzapine and samidorphan has no clinically relevant effects on ECG parameters, including the QTc interval: Results from a phase 1 QT/QTc study Sun, Lei

100 C p.
5 Conditional GSK3β deletion in parvalbumin-expressing interneurons potentiates excitatory synaptic function and learning in adult mice Monaco, Sarah A.

100 C p.
6 Cross-reinstatement between 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) and cocaine using conditioned place preference Duart-Castells, Leticia

100 C p.
7 Curcumin treatment attenuates alcohol-induced alterations in a mouse model of foetal alcohol spectrum disorders Cantacorps, Lídia

100 C p.
8 Digital autoradiography for efficient functional imaging without anesthesia in experimental animals: Reversing phencyclidine-induced functional alterations using clozapine Alitalo, Okko

100 C p.
9 Dose-dependent induction of CPP or CPA by intra-pVTA ethanol: Role of mu opioid receptors and effects on NMDA receptors Campos-Jurado, Yolanda

100 C p.
10 Editorial Board
100 C p.
11 Hormonal responses in gambling versus alcohol abuse: A review of human studies Li, Yansong

100 C p.
12 Identificacion of MRI-based psychosis subtypes: Replication and refinement Planchuelo-Gómez, Álvaro

100 C p.
13 Improved and residual functional abnormalities in major depressive disorder after electroconvulsive therapy Wang, Jiaojian

100 C p.
14 Inhibition of Lrrk2 reduces ethanol preference in a model of acute exposure in zebrafish Paiva, Isadora Marques

100 C p.
15 Ketamine effects on anxiety and fear-related behaviors: Current literature evidence and new findings Silote, Gabriela P.

100 C p.
16 Ketamine induces rapid and sustained antidepressant-like effects in chronic pain induced depression: Role of MAPK signaling pathway Humo, Muris

100 C p.
17 Mini-review: Aging of the neuroendocrine system: Insights from nonhuman primate models Epelbaum, Jacques

100 C p.
18 Neural and molecular correlates of psychological pain during major depression, and its link with suicidal ideas Jollant, Fabrice

100 C p.
19 New mechanism of neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's disease: The activation of NLRP3 inflammasome mediated by gut microbiota Shen, Heping

100 C p.
20 Prenatal THC exposure raises kynurenic acid levels in the prefrontal cortex of adult rats Beggiato, Sarah

100 C p.
21 Pre-onset sub-threshold psychotic symptoms and cortical organization in the first episode of psychosis Rosengard, R.J.

100 C p.
22 Right temporal pole volume reduction in PTSD Gosnell, Savannah N.

100 C p.
23 Striatal dynamics as determinants of reduced gambling vulnerability in the NHE rat model of ADHD Oggiano, Maurizio

100 C p.
24 The relationship between dispositional attention to feelings and visual attention to emotion Bujanow, Anna

100 C p.
25 Understanding the neurobiological effects of drug abuse: Lessons from zebrafish models Müller, Talise E.

100 C p.
26 Validation study of microRNAs previously associated with antidepressant response in older adults treated for late-life depression with venlafaxine Marshe, Victoria S.

100 C p.
27 Vitamin D polygenic score is associated with neuroticism and the general psychopathology factor Avinun, Reut

100 C p.
28 White matter microstructural organizations in patients with severe treatment-resistant schizophrenia: A diffusion tensor imaging study Ochi, Ryo

100 C p.
                             28 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland