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                             26 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Backward stochastic differential equations with two barriers and generalized reflection Falkowski, Adrian

130 8 p. 4746-4765
2 Branching diffusion representation of semi-linear elliptic PDEs and estimation using Monte Carlo method Agarwal, Ankush

130 8 p. 5006-5036
3 Editorial Board
130 8 p. ii
4 Ergodicity of invariant capacities Feng, Chunrong

130 8 p. 5037-5059
5 Exponential mixing for dissipative PDEs with bounded non-degenerate noise Kuksin, Sergei

130 8 p. 4721-4745
6 Functional central limit theorem for random walks in random environment defined on regular trees Collevecchio, Andrea

130 8 p. 4892-4909
7 General nonlinear stochastic systems motivated by chemostat models: Complete characterization of long-time behavior, optimal controls, and applications to wastewater treatment Nguyen, Dang H.

130 8 p. 4608-4642
8 High excursions of Bessel and related random processes Piterbarg, Vladimir I.

130 8 p. 4859-4872
9 Krylov–Safonov estimates for a degenerate diffusion process Zhang, Fu

130 8 p. 5100-5123
10 Lower bound for local oscillations of Hermite processes Ayache, Antoine

130 8 p. 4593-4607
11 L q ( L p ) -theory of stochastic differential equations Xia, Pengcheng

130 8 p. 5188-5211
12 Malliavin smoothness on the Lévy space with Hölder continuous or B V functionals Laukkarinen, Eija

130 8 p. 4766-4792
13 Nonparametric estimation of the service time distribution in discrete-time queueing networks Schweer, Sebastian

130 8 p. 4643-4666
14 On the strong Feller property for stochastic delay differential equations with singular drift Bachmann, Stefan

130 8 p. 4563-4592
15 Optimal kernel estimation of spot volatility of stochastic differential equations Figueroa-López, José E.

130 8 p. 4693-4720
16 Regularity, continuity and approximation of isotropic Gaussian random fields on compact two-point homogeneous spaces Cleanthous, Galatia

130 8 p. 4873-4891
17 Self-normalized Cramér type moderate deviations for stationary sequences and applications Fan, Xiequan

130 8 p. 5124-5148
18 Sequential testing for structural stability in approximate factor models Barigozzi, Matteo

130 8 p. 5149-5187
19 Stability of optimal filter higher-order derivatives Tadić, Vladislav Z.B.

130 8 p. 4808-4858
20 Stationary points in coalescing stochastic flows on R Dorogovtsev, Andrey A.

130 8 p. 4910-4926
21 Statistical tests of heterogeneity for anisotropic multifractional Brownian fields Vu, Huong T.L.

130 8 p. 4667-4692
22 Stein’s method for multivariate Brownian approximations of sums under dependence Kasprzak, Mikołaj J.

130 8 p. 4927-4967
23 Strong convergence of a stochastic Rosenbrock-type scheme for the finite element discretization of semilinear SPDEs driven by multiplicative and additive noise Mukam, Jean Daniel

130 8 p. 4968-5005
24 Sublinear variance in Euclidean first-passage percolation Bernstein, Megan

130 8 p. 5060-5099
25 The speed of a general random walk reinforced by its recent history Pinsky, Ross G.

130 8 p. 4793-4807
26 Well posedness, large deviations and ergodicity of the stochastic 2D Oldroyd model of order one Mohan, Manil T.

130 8 p. 4513-4562
                             26 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland