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                             23 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adipokines in depressed women with and without adverse childhood experiences Kulakova, Eugenia

164 C p.
2 A novel biomarker of interleukin 6 activity and clinical and cognitive outcomes in depression Foley, Éimear M.

164 C p.
3 A phase II randomised controlled trial of intranasal oxytocin in anorexia nervosa Maguire, Sarah

164 C p.
4 Chronic inflammation is associated with worsening working memory performance: Preliminary evidence from a diverse, longitudinal cohort of adolescents and young adults Mac Giollabhui, Naoise

164 C p.
5 Corrigendum to “Associations between psychological distress and hair cortisol during pregnancy and the early postpartum: A meta-analysis” [Psychoneuroendocrinology 147 (2023) 105969] Khoury, Jennifer E.

164 C p.
6 Corrigendum to “Genetic variability in the oxytocin system is linked to individual differences in cuddliness among human infants”, [Psychoneuroendocrinology, vol. 159, January 2024, 106419] Grossmann, Tobias

164 C p.
7 Corrigendum to “The effect of an internet-based intervention for depression on cortisol and alpha-amylase” [Psychoneuroendocrinology 152 (2023) 106082] Laufer, S.

164 C p.
8 Editorial Board
164 C p.
9 Effects of chronic intranasal oxytocin on visual attention to faces vs. natural scenes in older adults Shoenfelt, Alayna

164 C p.
10 Gonads under stress: A systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of acute psychosocial stress on gonadal steroids secretion in humans Domes, Gregor

164 C p.
11 Higher interleukin-6 is associated with greater momentary social connection in close relationships in daily life Jolink, Tatum A.

164 C p.
12 Infant colic and HPA axis development across childhood Brett, Bonnie E.

164 C p.
13 Interpersonal violence exposure and inflammation during adolescence and young adulthood Finegood, Eric D.

164 C p.
14 It’s all in the hair: Association between changes in hair cortisol concentrations in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic and post-traumatic stress symptoms in children over time Bilodeau-Houle, Alexe

164 C p.
15 Mid-pregnancy allopregnanolone levels and trajectories of perinatal depressive symptoms Björväng, Richelle D.

164 C p.
16 Neural processing of cry sounds in the transition to fatherhood: Effects of a prenatal intervention program and associations with paternal caregiving Thijssen, Sandra

164 C p.
17 Placental corticotrophin-releasing hormone trajectories in pregnancy: Associations with postpartum depressive symptoms Almeida, Isabel F.

164 C p.
18 Pregnancy renders anatomical changes in hypothalamic substructures of the human brain that relate to aspects of maternal behavior Spalek, Klara

164 C p.
19 Prenatal stress and hair cortisol in a sample of Latina women Becene, Iris

164 C p.
20 Stress biomarkers and child development in young children in Bangladesh Butzin-Dozier, Zachary

164 C p.
21 Sumatriptan attenuates fear-learning despair induced by social isolation stress in mice: Mediating role of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis Moradi, Kamyar

164 C p.
22 Sympathovagal quotient and resting-state functional connectivity of control networks are related to gut Ruminococcaceae abundance in healthy men Miranda-Angulo, Ana L.

164 C p.
23 Trauma film viewing and intrusive memories: Relationship between salivary alpha amylase, endocannabinoids, and cortisol O’Donohue, Matthew P.

164 C p.
                             23 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland