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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Associations between inertia of negative emotions and diurnal cortisol in a sample of college students Alessandri, Guido

134 C p.
2 Brain derived neurotrophic factor deficiency exacerbates inflammation-induced anhedonia in mice Parrott, Jennifer M.

134 C p.
3 Depression in type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis of blood inflammatory markers Nguyen, Michelle M.

134 C p.
4 Editorial Board
134 C p.
5 Effect of adverse childhood experiences on hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis function and antidepressant efficacy in untreated first episode patients with major depressive disorder Yang, Jian Zhong

134 C p.
6 Effects of psychological, sensory, and metabolic energy prime manipulation on the acute endocrine stress response in fasted women Meier, Maria

134 C p.
7 Estradiol administration modulates neural emotion regulation Rehbein, Elisa

134 C p.
8 Evidence that perinatal ovarian hormones promote women’s sexual attraction to men Shirazi, Talia N.

134 C p.
9 Gestational diabetes mellitus, autistic traits and ADHD symptoms in toddlers: Placental inflammatory and oxidative stress cytokines do not play an intermediary role Zhu, Beibei

134 C p.
10 Hair cortisol, obesity and the immune system: Results from a 3 year longitudinal study van der Valk, Eline S.

134 C p.
11 How acute physical and psychological stress differentially influence the kynurenine pathway: A randomized cross-over trial Herhaus, Benedict

134 C p.
12 I only have eyes for you: Oxytocin administration supports romantic attachment formation through diminished interest in close others and strangers Freeman, Harry

134 C p.
13 Longitudinal associations between hair cortisol, PTSD symptoms, and sleep disturbances in a sample of firefighters with duty-related trauma exposure Sopp, M.R.

134 C p.
14 Neuroactive steroids and depression in early pregnancy Wenzel, Elizabeth S.

134 C p.
15 Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor remains elevated after long term follow-up of combat veterans with chronic post-traumatic stress disorder Wu, Gwyneth W. Y

134 C p.
16 Sex, menstrual cycle, and hormonal contraceptives influences on global–local processing Marful, A.

134 C p.
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland