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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Activation of endothelial Wnt/β-catenin signaling by protective astrocytes repairs BBB damage in ischemic stroke Song, Shanshan

199 C p.
2 Amphetamine-induced alteration to gaze parameters: A novel conceptual pathway and implications for naturalistic behavior Hayley, Amie C.

199 C p.
3 Astrocyte-derived Wnt growth factors are required for endothelial blood-brain barrier maintenance Guérit, Sylvaine

199 C p.
4 Communication from the cerebellum to the neocortex during sleep spindles Xu, W.

199 C p.
5 Editorial Board
199 C p.
6 Hippocampal network dysfunction as a mechanism of early-onset dementia after preeclampsia and eclampsia Johnson, Abbie C.

199 C p.
7 How auditory selectivity for sound timing arises: The diverse roles of GABAergic inhibition in shaping the excitation to interval-selective midbrain neurons Alluri, Rishi K.

199 C p.
8 IL-10 normalizes aberrant amygdala GABA transmission and reverses anxiety-like behavior and dependence-induced escalation of alcohol intake Patel, Reesha R.

199 C p.
9 Increased telomerase improves motor function and alpha-synuclein pathology in a transgenic mouse model of Parkinson’s disease associated with enhanced autophagy Wan, Tengfei

199 C p.
10 Nonverbal auditory communication – Evidence for integrated neural systems for voice signal production and perception Frühholz, Sascha

199 C p.
11 The art of lineage tracing: From worm to human Garcia-Marques, Jorge

199 C p.
12 The environmental sculpting hypothesis of juvenile and adult hippocampal neurogenesis Cushman, Jesse D.

199 C p.
13 The intracellular renin-angiotensin system: Friend or foe. Some light from the dopaminergic neurons Labandeira-Garcia, Jose L.

199 C p.
14 The predictive global neuronal workspace: A formal active inference model of visual consciousness Whyte, Christopher J.

199 C p.
15 The prefrontal cortex as a target for atypical antipsychotics in schizophrenia, lessons of neurodevelopmental animal models Tendilla-Beltrán, Hiram

199 C p.
16 The thalamus integrates the macrosystems of the brain to facilitate complex, adaptive brain network dynamics Shine, James M.

199 C p.
17 Time as the fourth dimension in the hippocampus Banquet, Jean-Paul

199 C p.
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland