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                             46 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Accuracy of duplex stainless steel feature generated by electrical discharge machining (EDM) Alshemary, Ali

130 C p. 137-144
2 Adaptive frequency measurement in magnetic resonance coupling based WPT system Yang, Guangxiang

130 C p. 318-326
3 Ambient noise HVSR measurements in the Avellino historical centre and surrounding area (southern Italy). Correlation with surface geology and damage caused by the 1980 Irpinia-Basilicata earthquake Maresca, Rosalba

130 C p. 211-222
4 A modified chi-square statistics of the linear estimator for inter-laboratory comparison Hang, Chenzhe

130 C p. 32-38
5 An enhancement denoising autoencoder for rolling bearing fault diagnosis Meng, Zong

130 C p. 448-454
6 A new method for identifying the ball screw degradation level based on the multiple classifier system Wen, Juan

130 C p. 118-127
7 A novel intelligent detection method for rolling bearing based on IVMD and instantaneous energy distribution-permutation entropy Yan, Xiaoan

130 C p. 435-447
8 A novel one-body dual laser profile based vibration compensation in 3D scanning Lim, Yongseok

130 C p. 455-466
9 A novel use of multivariate statistics to diagnose test-to-test variation in complex measurement systems Burke, R.D.

130 C p. 467-481
10 Application of chromaticity coordinates for solution turbidity measurement Wen, Yizhang

130 C p. 39-43
11 A single-image linear calibration method for camera Zhang, Zhuang

130 C p. 298-305
12 A system for measuring borehole diametric deformation based on mechanical contact and micro-optical imaging Wang, Chuanying

130 C p. 191-197
13 Binocular vision measurement and its application in full-field convex deformation of concrete-filled steel tubular columns Tang, Yun-Chao

130 C p. 372-383
14 CBVMI: A container-based virtualization method for instruments Huang, Min

130 C p. 151-160
15 Corrigendum to “State-of-the-art predictive modeling of TBM performance in changing geological conditions through gene expression programming” [Measurement 126 (2018) 46–57] Naghadehi, Masoud Zare

130 C p. 482
16 Damage evolution and deformation behaviour of dry and saturated sandstones: Insights gleaned from optical measurements Wasantha, P.L.P.

130 C p. 8-17
17 Editorial Board
130 C p. ii
18 Evaluating the metering error of electronic transformers on-line based on VN-MWPCA Zhang, Zhu

130 C p. 1-7
19 Experimental and numerical analysis on masonry arch built with fictile tubules bricks Scuro, Carmelo

130 C p. 246-254
20 Featured temporal segmentation method and AdaBoost-BP detector for internal leakage evaluation of a hydraulic cylinder Li, Lin

130 C p. 279-289
21 Field measurement, model updating, and response prediction of a large-scale straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine structure Lin, Jinghua

130 C p. 57-70
22 Identifying nonlinear characteristics of model-free MR dampers in structures with partial response data Su, Han

130 C p. 362-371
23 In situ performance evaluation of chemical injections against rising damp: A case study in Italy Sardella, Alessandro

130 C p. 128-136
24 Laser removal of biofilm from Carrara marble using 532 nm: The first validation study Mascalchi, Marta

130 C p. 255-263
25 Learning to measure for preshipment garment sizing Serrat, Joan

130 C p. 327-339
26 Measurement of ballistic impact performance of fiber reinforced polybenzoxazine/polyurethane composites Okhawilai, Manunya

130 C p. 198-210
27 Measurement of nonlinear vibration response in aerospace composite blades using pulsed airflow excitation Piraccini, M.

130 C p. 422-434
28 Millimeter-wave propagation measurements and models at 28 GHz and 38 GHz in a dining room for 5G wireless networks Al-Samman, Ahmed Mohammed.

130 C p. 71-81
29 Modal frequency-environmental condition relation development using long-term structural health monitoring measurement: Uncertainty quantification, sparse feature selection and multivariate prediction Mu, He-Qing

130 C p. 384-397
30 MR imaging of tissue near aneurysm clips using short- and zero time MR sequences Gruwel, Marco L.H.

130 C p. 398-403
31 Multi-sensors measuring system for geodetic monitoring of elevator guide rails Gołuch, Piotr

130 C p. 18-31
32 On the measurement selection for stationary SINS alignment Kalman filters Silva, Felipe O.

130 C p. 82-93
33 Optimal multilevel thresholding selection for brain MRI image segmentation based on adaptive wind driven optimization Kotte, Sowjanya

130 C p. 340-361
34 Pavement lane marking detection using matched filter Zhang, Allen

130 C p. 105-117
35 Precise end-effector pose estimation in spatial cable-driven parallel robots with elastic cables using a data fusion method Korayem, M.H.

130 C p. 177-190
36 Prediction of flow blockages and impending cavitation in centrifugal pumps using Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithms based on vibration measurements Panda, Asish Kumar

130 C p. 44-56
37 Probabilistic analysis on scattering effect of initiation systems and concept of modified charge per delay for prediction of blast induced ground vibrations Agrawal, Hemant

130 C p. 306-317
38 Quality controlled compression technique for Photoplethysmogram monitoring applications Alam, Samiul

130 C p. 236-245
39 Review of optical fiber bending/curvature sensor Wang, Qi

130 C p. 161-176
40 Rollover speed prediction on curves for heavy vehicles using mobile smartphone Chu, Duanfeng

130 C p. 404-411
41 Scale-varying dynamic time warping based on hesitant fuzzy sets for multivariate time series classification Liu, Shuai

130 C p. 290-297
42 Soft-measuring models of thermal state in iron ore sintering process Huang, Xiaoxian

130 C p. 145-150
43 Structural displacement estimation through multi-rate fusion of accelerometer and RTK-GPS displacement and velocity measurements Kim, Kiyoung

130 C p. 223-235
44 Study on a novel portable urine analyzer based on optical fiber bundles Liu, Gaiqin

130 C p. 412-421
45 Study on planetary gear fault diagnosis based on variational mode decomposition and deep neural networks Li, Yong

130 C p. 94-104
46 Wavelet transform based estimation of modal parameters of rotors during operation Chandra, N. Harish

130 C p. 264-278
                             46 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland