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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Click-evoked responses from the cochlear nucleus: a study in human Møller, Aage R.

92 3 p. 215-224
2 Dissociation of temporal and frontal components in the human auditory N1 wave: a scalp current density and dipole model analysis Giard, M.H.

92 3 p. 238-252
3 Evoked potentials recorded from the auditory cortex in man: evaluation and topography of the middle latency components Liégeois-Chauvel, C.

92 3 p. 204-214
4 Glossopharyngeal evoked potentials in normal subjects following mechanical stimulation of the anterior faucial pillar Fujiu, Masako

92 3 p. 183-195
5 Long latency transient evoked potentials to rapid random stimulation: responses to single and multiple concurrent stimuli Rowe III, M.John

92 3 p. 175-182
6 P300 from a single auditory stimulus Polich, John

92 3 p. 253-261
7 Recovery of hypoglycaemia-associated compromised cerebral function after a short interval of euglycaemia in insulin-dependent diabetic patients Lingenfelser, T.

92 3 p. 196-203
8 The magnetic counterpart of the contingent negative variation Elbert, T

92 3 p. 262-272
9 Visual and somatosensory event-related brain potentials in autistic children and three different control groups Kemner, C.

92 3 p. 225-237
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland