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                             21 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Access to outpatient care in Manhattan and Paris: A tale of real change in two world cities Gusmano, Michael K.

132 C p.
2 A comparative overview of health and social care policy for older people in England and Scotland, United Kingdom (UK) Aujla, Navneet

132 C p.
3 Editorial Board
132 C p.
4 Gender bias in the diagnosis of cardiovascular disorders in Catalonia Alonso Gelabert, O.

132 C p.
5 Impact of dialysis reimbursement policies on care outcomes in peritoneal dialysis patients in Taiwan Chang, Ray-E

132 C p.
6 Integrated case management between primary care clinics and hospitals for people with complex needs who frequently use healthcare services in Canada: A multiple-case embedded study Hudon, Catherine

132 C p.
7 Introduction of miscarriage bereavement leave in New Zealand in 2021: A comparison with international experiences Hodson, Dr Nathan

132 C p.
8 Long-term projections of health care funding, bed capacity and workforce needs in England Rachet-Jacquet, Laurie

132 C p.
9 Market diffusion of biosimilars in off-patent biologic drug markets across Europe Böhm, Anna-Katharina

132 C p.
10 Pandemic preparedness and response regulations in Finland: Experiences and implications for post-COVID-19 reforms Karreinen, Soila

132 C p.
11 Preferences of older adults for healthcare models designed to improve care coordination: Evidence from Western Switzerland Nicolet, Anna

132 C p.
12 Private health insurance in the universal public healthcare system: The role of healthcare provision in Finland Lavaste, Konsta

132 C p.
13 Residents' choice of a placement in periphery hospitals in Israel: The significance of personal/family and professional considerations Feder-Bubis, Paula

132 C p.
14 Same Day Discharge Strategy by Default in a Tertiary Catheterization Laboratory in Belgium: Value Based Healthcare-Change in Practice Wyffels, Eric

132 C p.
15 Strategic workforce planning in health and social care – an international perspective: A scoping review Sutton, Claire

132 C p.
16 Structural barriers or patient preference? A mixed methods appraisal of medical abortion use in England and Wales Footman, Katy

132 C p.
17 The Credibility of Physician Rating Websites: A Systematic Literature Review Guetz, Bernhard

132 C p.
18 The impact of different types of NHS expenditure on health: Marginal cost per QALY estimates for England for 2016/17 Martin, Stephen

132 C p.
19 The introduction of a data-driven population health management approach in the Netherlands since 2019: The Extramural LUMC Academic Network data infrastructure Ardesch, F.H.

132 C p.
20 The long-term effects of hospitalization on health care expenditures: An empirical analysis for the young-old population in Lombardy Torrini, Irene

132 C p.
21 The role of contextual factors in decision-making by General Practitioners on paediatric referral to the Emergency Department in Ireland: A Discrete Choice Experiment McDonnell, Thérèse

132 C p.
                             21 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland