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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Between a beam and catenary: Influence of geometry on gravitational stresses and stability of natural rock arches Moore, Jeffrey R.

364 C p.
2 Comprehensive characterization of elevated coastal platforms in the north Iberian margin: A new template to quantify uplift rates and tectonic patterns López-Fernández, Carlos

364 C p.
3 Computer-assisted terrain sketch mapping that considers the geomorphological features in a loess landform Cheng, Yihan

364 C p.
4 Editorial Board
364 C p.
5 Evaluating the structure characteristics of epikarst at a typical peak cluster depression in Guizhou plateau area using ground penetrating radar attributes Gao, Qiangshan

364 C p.
6 Geomorphological evolution of the Chimpa stratovolcano in the back-arc region of the Central Andes Bustos, Emilce

364 C p.
7 Identification of sinkhole origin using surface geophysical methods, Dead Sea, Israel Ezersky, Michael G.

364 C p.
8 Morphostructural evidence of Late Quaternary tectonics at the Po Plain-Northern Apennines border (Lombardy, Italy) Zuffetti, Chiara

364 C p.
9 Post-LGM faulting in Central Europe: LiDAR detection of the >50 km-long Sub-Tatra fault, Western Carpathians Pánek, Tomáš

364 C p.
10 Prediction of erosion intermittency using Large Eddy Simulation Brito, Pedro M.

364 C p.
11 Testing models of linear dune formation by provenance analysis with composite sediment fingerprints Telfer, M.W.

364 C p.
12 Yardangs on Earth and implications to Mars: A review Ding, Zhaojing

364 C p.
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland