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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A historical analysis of vaccine mandates in the United States military and its application to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate Elliott, Capt Brian P.

40 51 p. 7500-7504
2 “Any idea how fast ‘It’s just a mask!’ can turn into ‘It’s just a vaccine!’”: From mask mandates to vaccine mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic Martin, Sam

40 51 p. 7488-7499
3 A “step too far” or “perfect sense”? A qualitative study of British adults’ views on mandating COVID-19 vaccination and vaccine passports Stead, Martine

40 51 p. 7389-7396
4 Attitudes towards mandatory vaccination and sanctions for vaccination refusal Slotte, Pamela

40 51 p. 7378-7388
5 Attitude toward a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy and its determinants: Evidence from serial cross-sectional surveys conducted throughout the pandemic in Germany Sprengholz, Philipp

40 51 p. 7370-7377
6 Comparative effectiveness of mandates and financial policies targeting COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: A randomized, controlled survey experiment Fishman, Jessica

40 51 p. 7451-7459
7 Consolidating a research agenda for vaccine mandates Attwell, Katie

40 51 p. 7353-7359
8 COVID-19 vaccine Mandates: An Australian attitudinal study Attwell, Katie

40 51 p. 7360-7369
9 Editorial Board/Aims and Scope
40 51 p. IFC
10 Employer requirements and COVID-19 vaccination and attitudes among healthcare personnel in the U.S.: Findings from National Immunization Survey Adult COVID Module, August – September 2021 Lee, James T.

40 51 p. 7476-7482
11 Healthcare professional and professional stakeholders’ perspectives on vaccine mandates in Switzerland: A mixed-methods study Dietrich, Léna G.

40 51 p. 7397-7405
12 How do COVID-19 vaccine mandates affect attitudes toward the vaccine and participation in mandate-affected activities? Evidence from the United States Kreps, S.E.

40 51 p. 7460-7465
13 People’s perspectives about COVID-19 vaccination certificate: Findings from a representative Italian sample Caserotti, Marta

40 51 p. 7406-7414
14 Reminders of existing vaccine mandates increase support for a COVID-19 vaccine mandate: Evidence from a survey experiment Viskupič, Filip

40 51 p. 7483-7487
15 School staff and immunization governance: Missed opportunities for public health promotion Navin, Mark C.

40 51 p. 7433-7439
16 Support for a vaccination documentation mandate in British Columbia, Canada Greyson, Devon

40 51 p. 7415-7425
17 Support for HPV vaccine school-entry requirements in the United States: The role of exemption policies Calo, William A.

40 51 p. 7426-7432
18 Vaccine mandates on childcare entry without conscientious objection exemptions: A quasi-experimental panel study Toll, Mathew

40 51 p. 7440-7450
19 Would COVID-19 vaccination willingness increase if mobile technologies prohibit unvaccinated individuals from public spaces? A nationwide discrete choice experiment from China Wang, Jing

40 51 p. 7466-7475
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland